👹Chapter Five👹

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Here's chapter five and also thanks for the votes.


I didn't wait a second before jumping over Alex and out of the car. The cool breeze hits me as I walk towards the trunk. It wasn't that dark considering the moon was out in it's glory and the stars were busy twinkling.

Twila walked up to me with a small smile. "I'm sorry if we disturb you guys but it was so good. You should try it some times."

I just give her a blank 'you kidden me' look and opened my hand bag. I handed her the makeup that mom packed and she took it with a questioning look while furrowing her brows.

I just give her a glare like if she's crazy.

"You got a little something all over your neck." I said while gesturing towards her neck.

"Ohhhh!" Was all she said before she started cleaning herself up.

After all that commotion, the guys handed us our duffle bags and we made our way towards the entrance.


Man....ohhhhh mannn!!
Why Heights ??????

I was currently between Alex and Twila totally freaking out because I have some issue with heights. Alex thought it would be a good idea if Twila and Josh didn't sit together because we all know with that would lead to...

Josh, Gavin and Sarah are infront of us taking a nap while Alex is between Twila and I who is eating some nuts.

Most of my time I was praying to the goody god because I couldn't stop shaking. When we were taking off, I literally felt my stomach dropping to my toes and that my friends, is not a good feeling.

"Hey Alice." Alex said breaking me out of my holy moment.
"Um.....you feeling okay?"

"Uh yeah! What make's you think I won't?" I asked.

"Well I don't really know. Maybe because you were mumbling something about 'God please protect me , I got to live. I didn't even make kids yet , please protect me please'." He replied in some girly tone while clasping his hands infront of his chest.

I just give him one of my famous glare and looked away.

I've been glaring a lot lately.

"We only have to travel for another hour or so and you have to chill." He said giving me a serious look. I stared into his eyes and for once, I saw a little concern in them.


"What?" Alex exclaimed through the phone. "Not one available?"
There was a long pause before he continued.
"At 2am..........okay.........yes....okay bye."

Alex hung up the phone and looked at us with a weary smile. We were currently at some night bar shack thing that has shit for music and any type of drink or tea you desire. It's currently 01:16 am and we're all dead tired. After we exit the plane, there was some problem with the luggages causing us to missed our taxi and now we have to wait until one is available.

Pretty shitty right?

"What did he say?" Gavin questioned wearily while rubbing Sarah's upper arm as she sleeps.

"One will be available at two and until then.." Alex paused." We have to wait."

"Till at two?" Josh asked in disbelief. Twila's currently sleeping on his shoulder as he sips on a beer bottle.

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