👹Chapter Eight👹

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Here's chappy 8 enjoy!!!






"I say action!"

"...and I say horror!"

"Duhh....action is better...who does not want to see awesome people killing each other??"

"No, no, no! Don't you 'duhh' at me and horror is the best, okay girl." He said snapping his fingers and shaking his head like some sassy hot girl.

"Oh god!! Children, children! calm the fuck down. We all will vote...okay." Jake snapped rendering the both of us speachless. Incase you're wondering what's going on, Alex and I are currently fighting on which is the better film.

I choose action while he chose horror. What's so nice of the dead haunting people??
It's not like the dead wants your man or money or something... Jeezs! This world these days...

"Fine,"I huffed out sitting on the spongy couch next to Jake.

"Pff...Whatever," Alex said mimicking my exact action.

Some of the guys are at the bathroom while the rest is in the kitchen waiting for the chef to finish the snacks. Jake, Alex and I are incharged of picking a film and by the looks of it, we ain't getting no where.

I asked Miss Rose how is it possible to have electricity in an area like this and she mentioned something about underground wires in pipes. She also mentioned that there is another way to this house but it's much longer and doesn't involves the forest travelling.

This room is pretty huge since there are two couches, a TV on the wall and a medium size table at the middle. On the light grey wall there are some pretty freak-up pictures that has weird and disfigured faces. VERY WEIRD AND CREEPY.......

"So did you guys find a film?" Sarah questioned sitting on the couch next to ours. The rest of the guys soon shuffled in joining Sarah.

Gavin is currently next to Sarah who are at one end while Josh and Twila is at the other end, and poor, poor Mikey is at the middle. Awww poor kid, now he has to listen to those disgusting smooch smooch sounds.....

On our couch, Jake is at the left hand side followed by me then Alex.
Jessica sooned walked over to Alex's side and takes a seat. She happens to be wearing something closed to.........nothing.
Huh! guess that's the going fashion right now. Walking around in your undergarments with a thin see-thru shawl.Wow!

"Nope, we are voting." Jake said.
"All who's in favour of horror, hands up and those who wants to watch action, hands down."

Most of the guys had their hands up and I was the only one who had mine down. The place is dark since it's eight something.
Stupid people don't know what's best for them.

"It's horror then, how about IT." Mikey suggested.

There were a lot of 'yeses' and 'sures' coming from the guys. Jake plays the movie and then....




It begins......


It's half way through the movie and to be honest this shit is creepy, but not all the times. Jessica was talking to Alex about something in the lines of 'wonder if you could make me scream like that' and I cracked up when I looked at Alex pleading face to switch seats. It was the exact moment some dude dies and the whole gang looked at me with shocked faces and popcorns in their gaping mouths....which was pretty disgusting.

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