👹Chapter Thirteen👹

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Here's chappy thirteen!
Hope you like it.

Before you continue, I would love to say 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!' Hope you have a blast! Do eat a lot too!
This chapter, considered it as a present. it's not much but it will do.


"You have got to see this!" He breathed out as he stood by the threshold running his hands through his black messy hair. All of us shot up immediately at the sight of Mikey's panting. I'm pretty sure we're all dead curious as to why he's panting.

"I have to show you guys something-" he paused. "As soon as I saw it, I rushed down here to get you. Now come on, follow me!"

As Mikey walks, we followed suit, like a chu-chu train. We walked up the stairs and down the hall towards his room. We entered his room and it's a bit smaller than mine and Alex. The bed is half the size of ours with a night stand at the corner. No table nor chair were in here, just the bed, the stand and the closet. The walls are in a creamy colour with two wooden windows.

"What's the matter?" Jessica's voice holding a huge amount of concern as she asked a simple question. I've noticed two things about Jessica. One, whenever she drunk, she's not thinking straight. Two, when she's sober, she's always showing concern towards her brother and Mikey. Maybe she has a thing for the guy.

"I....I honestly don't know." Mikey replied as he grabbed his computer, which is lying on the bed.

"I have no table so we'll improvise." He said holding the computer to face him. "Ali and Alex, you guys remembered those pics I was busy taking right?" Alex and I both nodded.
"What does that have to do with this?" I questioned totally baffled right now.

"Well, I was checking out the ones I took with the bloody container and...." He trailed off showing us the computer screen. "I've found this."

My eyeballs immediately doubled it's size at the sight in front of me. "What the......?"

A few gasps were heard, probably from the girls and the boys were busy mumbling a chains of cusses. Although, they could make a sick rap song.

"This can't be true, can it?" Sarah said looking a little pale. I really can't blame her, especially when you've just saw a messed up piece of shit.
Jessica just clung unto her brother's shoulder- eyes widened. Twila's reaction was the worst. "I'm...Uh...I have to go the bathroom." She rushed out as she took off with her hands on her mouth. Sarah sooned took off, probably to throw up her meal.

"I'll go see if they're okay." Josh said patting my shoulders. I nodded as a response.

I examined the picture on the screen only to gaged, again. It can't be real. These boys are just messing with you. What a messed up prank!

"That's not real!" I chuckled lightly. "You guys are just messing with us. You got a reaction from Twila and Sarah but you won't get any from me." I said still chuckling lightly.

"It is real!" Mikey said. "I ran some scans and other filters on this to make sure it's not fake and it isn't. The whole thing is real and guess what?" He paused.

"What?" I said.

"It's recent guys." As those words left his mouth, I gaped.

"It's not real! Come on, it's a joke. A sick twisted joke. Really? A fucking rotten hand?" I said in disbelief. "How come I didn't saw that when I looked? Why is that even in there?" I questioned as l looked at the picture.

A hand from the wrist was visible. A few joints from the index and pinkey finger were missing. The bones were also visible except the thumb. A few chunks of meat and flesh was still there. On the middle finger, there stood a small diamond ring. A thin blanked of red dirt covers the hand. The nails- or the remaining nails had small worms on it. Probably eating their way inside. I shivered at the though of that happening to me. Small worms crawling and eating their way into your skin.

"I don't know, I guess when Alex moved the animal remains, he didn't had to time to take notice of it because of those peoples who were coming." Mikey explained.

"I did notice it...." Alex trailed off.
"I just didn't know it was from a human. I thought it was from another animal, perhaps an ape or something."

"Really?" I said. "An ape? Since when do you see apes wearing rings. It's not the movie 'Rise of the planet of the ape' you know. It has a ring around its finger Alex!"

"The ring wasn't visible at that time Ali. It's only visible now because Mikey ran some scans and filters okay! He probably zoomed it up too in order for your little eyeballs to see it, you blind bat."

"Guys?" Jessica said cutting me off with her soft voice before I could have continued the bickering with Alex. "Is that picture...by any chance....zoomed in?" She gulped.

"Uh yeah, I had to zoomed it in, so you guys could see it more big. What's wrong?" Mikey replied.

"Could you put it to its original size, please?" She gulped again. Sweats were starting to form on her forehead.

"Okay," Mikey mumbled, pressing some keys on the keyboard. I watched as the hand grew smaller and smaller till....

"Oh no!" I gasped as I looked at it in disbelief.

"It's of a little kid!" Jessica and I said in union as we looked at each other.

"That's sick as fuck." Jake grumbled out.

"Guys, a little kid? Who would sacrifice a kid or kill one?" Jessica said as a single tear fall.
Guess her weaknesses are kids.

As for me, I'm not a big fan of kids. When those little things started their screaming for a specific thing, they have to get it. It's still horrible for something like this to happen to one of them though and it saddens me to know that this is happening. But after seeing that, something churn my stomach making me feel the need to puke.

"I don't feel so good." I muttered as I walked through the door of Mikey's bedroom. A rotten hand that belongs to a kid. Who would do such a thing? Why would they do it? Why was it in that bloody container? Does the kid have a family? Is the family in the other containers too? Did they chop that kid up? My mind is currently racing with questions that I don't have the answer for. I need fresh air and I need it now before I loose my sanity.

A few murmurs were still heard as the remaining guys talked about the picture. It sounded like an argument in there and I'm not even thinking straight. I walked down the hall and skipped down the stairs towards the main entrance.

"A freaking rotten hand that belongs to a kid." I said out loud as I approached the main door. As I was about to opened it, a hand fall on my left shoulder, leaving me to wonder who the hell is it. Regret filled my head as I realised that I shouldn't have said that out loud. If it's Rose, then I'm in deep shit, deep deep shit.

To be continued.....


That was the end of chapter 13. What do you guys think?
What are your opinions?
Do tell me about the mistake.
And if you skipped the top a/n then.....


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