👹Chapter Fourteen👹

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Happy new year guys!!!!
How much of you guys are 14?
This is chappy 14, enjoy❤


I slowly turned around to come face-to-face with Rose. My eyes widened as I looked down at her petite frame.

Where do you guys buy good luck these days? I'm currently short of it and I could really use a few pounds.

I gulped and greeted her awkwardly, "Miss Rose, what are you doing here? I mean, hi! how are you?"

She looked at me, well studied me to be precise. Her eyes, they are just looked at my every facial expression. I felt like a piece of meat ready to be torn to pieces by an angry vicious animal. It's just too creepy for me to handle. Wait....every freaking thing here is creepy except the food. That's good.

"I'm good Ali. Are you feeling okay?" She questioned and I'm sure she heard my sentence. Did Miss Rose know about the creepy village and that mutant thingy? Why is there such a thing to begin with? It's all unbelievable.

God! My pea sized brain can't handle all of this crap at once.

"I...um," I paused. "I'm great. Why are you asking? I'm always great!"

"Well for starters, you were just talking to yourself and it's raining outside." She explained causing me to look outside.

Huh! It's raining. I guess that's what happens when your brain is running who knows what miles per hour.

"Oh, well, I......I'm......uh...." I stuttered stupidly thinking of an excuse. Come on brain! Think, I'll reward you with food later.

"You were talking about a rotten hand, mind elaborating on that." She said slowly.

"A rotten hand? Oh! Miss Rose it's a movie. Yeah, it's creepy and it just finished. At the end of the movie they put that it is inspired by a true event and stuff. It sorta grossed me out, you know." She had that look on her face. The one when you told your parents that the dog ate your test scrips. That exact one.

"Ali!" A soft voice called and I looked up towards the source.
"Ali!" Alex came into my vision as he bounces down the stairs. "Ah, there you are. I was looking for you. Oh hey Miss Rose!" He beamed as he reached my side. "How are you?"

"I'm good honey but Ali isn't." She said. "Miss Rose, she's running a fever and sorta goes to another world. Everything is usually fuzzy in her mind. She would talk crap too." He lied telling Rose a bunch of crap to save my ass.

"Ohh! That explains a lot. She was just talking to herself."
What the hell? How does this guy does it? I'm here trying to cook up a good excuse and he just came and opened his big mouth and bam! Rose believed him. Why can't I lie properly? Maybe it's not in my nature.

Rose came closer and raised her right palm, placing it against my rather huge forehead. "Hmm, it's not that warm." She noted.

"Miss Rose it's raining outside so her body is a bit cold." How does this guy finds those lies?

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