👹Chapter Seventeen👹

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Josh's POV

I shuffled down the stairs to get some snacks for Twila. I wonder if there will be anything left. With the kind of people in here, I highly doubt that there will be. I entered the kitchen and saw no one. I turned on the lights and quickly hunt through the refrigerator.

The only thing I found was left over spaghetti and tomato sauce. Nahh, she wouldn't want that. I quickly grabbed two slices of bread and slice some strip of cheese inside. I grabbed a small bottle of cherry juice and the cheese like sandwich. As I was about to turn off the lights with my nose, an eerie sound halted me.

Wait, it's that growl that Ali and Jake were talking about. What the fuck could be the source?

You know what they about that cat being killed by curiousity. Yep, that's right. I'm curious to know what the fuck is outside and I'm gonna go take a lil peep. I really hope i don't die like some clumsy people in the movies. I placed the snacks on the table and departed through the back door.

"I should leave it open incase.....something happens." I mumbled.

It's freezing cold outside and the moon light is out in its glory. The stars were beind the passing clouds. It's really a lovely sight. Maybe I should bring Twila to see, maybe....

The trees stood tall and still not affected by the howling wind. I stood in my white shirt and grey pants looking for anything that's out of the ordinary.

I looked around and everything seems normal. Then out of no where, a black shadow flew passed me and it's heading in the direction of the house. A strong gush of wind almost knocked me over. What the hell? I spun around quickly only to see nothing. This is like some crazy shit from some horror movies.

Wait, something's not right. The air, it's different. It's more thicker than before. The wind's picking up its pace and my clothing look like they are gonna fly off of me. It even managed the closed the door.

"Holy fuck!" I quickly made my way over to the door, trying to open it. The wind is too strong. I pulled and pulled but it was all futile. How can one simple door be so hard to fucking open?

Idea! The window. I made my way to the nearest window only to shout the song of profanity. "Oh my lovely fucking god! This big ass dead cunt thing is not like any normal windows!"

Alright, this thing is made out of wood and I have no idea if it can be opened from my angle.

I examined the door one more time and it's one hundered percent locked from the inside. Thats when I heard it again, a low growl and it's getting.....closer? Due to the moon, my only light source, i am able to make out a shadow figure near the trees.

"Is that motherfucker crawling??" I mumbled in bisbelief. "...and is it crawling in my direction??"

Holy shit!!

"Hey somebody help me! Get this door open. Some freaking thing from the Rings is crawling towards me. Someone get this fucking door open!!" I shouted.

I looked back and saw.....nothing?
what the hell?

Gavin's POV

I held Sarah in my arms as she sleeps. I can't believe it, I'm gonna be a father and the girl who is bearing my child was worried that I wouldn't want it. To hell with her, she's mine and so is our child.

I shifted a little as I heard someone calling for help. "Who could it it?" It sounds like......Josh?

"I'll be right back baby." I mumbled to Sarah even though she can't hear me. I made my way down the stair and listen.

"Someone.........this.....fucking door open!" What all I could've make out with all the banging. I rushed towards the back door and opened it with ease.

"Oh god! Thanks man." Josh panted out. "What the hell? Are you even okay? What just happened?"

He ran his hands through his hair and look back, "I don't fucking know. This place is not okay."

"Well get the fuck in and tell me what just happened." I said pulling him by his arm. He followed and closed the door with a loud bang. "Don't wake the others."

"I don't intend to. it's not like they will hear. I've been screaming for the past fifteen minutes."

He walked towards the kitchen and took a seat. I followed and took one opposite him. "So.... from the start."

"Man, my babe wanted come snacks so I came here to get her something. Then I heard this growling sound so I just went outside to take a peak. No problem there. All of a sudden, the fucking wind started blowing and the door shut tight. It was really out of the ordinary. I felt like something was watching me. I tried to open those windows but no luck." He paused a bit.

"Josh, the door wasn't locked." I stated before he could have continued.

"What?" He asked. "Mind coming again?"

"I said it wasn't locked. I just pushed the door opened and there you were standing like some mad man." I shrug.

"But that can't be right," he said. "When I was out there, dude, I saw something. It was in a weird form, like the description Jake gave. The....the thing looked like it was crawling towards me and one more thing is not right also. The moon, it was a full moon three days ago and it's still full. How is that possible?"

At this point, I was pretty speechless and didn't know what to say.

I shrug again, "I don't know what to say to that. I'm speechless. I.....are you drunk?"

"I'm serious. I don't know what is happening here and I want some answers." He stated clearly sober.

"Don't ask me. I don't have them and I know this place is creepy but I don't intend to get my friends and I in it okay. We only have two more weeks. Hopefully, it will be over soon. When this shit is over, we'll take Ali to somewhere better because I'm pretty sure this is not what she calls relaxing."

He nodds his head and as he was about to say something, someone interrupted him.

"Josh?" Twila called. "Are you okay?"

As twila made her way towards him, the growl was heard loud and clear....

Jessica's POV will be kinda sad in the next chappy so.......


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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