👹Chapter Three👹

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Here's chapter three ,




Poke, poke, poke.



It was all I was feeling in my half awaken state. It's either the tooth fairy or some unhappy lad poking me. Tooth fairy poke people right?

"Leave me alone." I muttered out while pulling the blanket closer.
"Come on, go away!"


I felt something liquidly and cold, really, really cold hits me in the face. I let out a girly scream and rolled over, only to roll off the damn bed, landing on my face with a loud bang.

My face and my boobs. My precious, precious boobs....

Who the hell in their righted mind would drenged someone in the morning, with cold water?

I let out a groan while sitting upright. As I rubbed my entire face, someone's laughter invades my hearing. I look up to see the one and only Alex.

Everyone give it up, give it all up for The Almighty Idiot.

He was in his clothing from last night which consist of a blue shirt and jeans. He was clutching an empty bucket laughing like some retarded hyena.

"You.....sh..should....have...s...seen your face haha!" He said between laughter. I stood up immediately and glared at him.

"You think this is funny?" I questioned motioning towards me. Not only he got me wet but also my bed. I got that thing cleaned the other day because someone wanted to test out baking soda and vinegar.

"How the hell did you even get in here?" I gritted out totally pissed off right now.

"Yeah, it's funny love, totally YouTube material and do you see that thing over there?" He said gesturing towards the door. "It was open, wide open."

Ohhhhh I didn't close the door.
Well shit.......

"Don't call me love you big fat oaf. Now get out of my room before I throw you out!" I
yelled throwing a TMNT pillow at him.

His eyebrows shot up immediately and his face got all serious. "Can you even do that?"

"Yes! yes I can, now get out before I have to."I said pointing towards the door.

"You," he points at me. "The Alice a-k-a Ali, can't even lift your own plate of food. How you gonna throw me out?" 

Dude's got a point. Food is my life and when I start packing goodies on my plate, there ain't no stopping.

I throw on my game face and walked towards him. I lift both of my hands and placed them on his chest, only to push him but the dude didn't even budge.

"Come on." I groaned out. "Move." I pushed harder but he didn't move an inch.

Alex only chuckles at my struggle and said,"You should get dressed. I have some things to tell you about the trip. We'll discuss it over breakfast. Something came up and the guys had to go. Your mom's already at work and she leaves me incharge to look after you."

"She what?" I screached out. "She leaves you in charge! Why?"

"The last time she left you alone, you vacuumed her parrot Ali." he replied shaking his head.

"That was three years ago and that little shit flew into the spinny thing."

Ever since that incident happened, the woman's always having seconds thoughts about leaving me alone. Also, because of that, my dad calls me clumzy. Thinking of dad, he's on a business trip. Always working man. Jeez! How can someone love work so much? If it was me, I would probably be sleeping the whole time.

"Whatever you say Ali," Alex replied back. "Whatever you say. Be down in ten. We've got business to discuss."

"Okay." I mumbled out and with that he left.

"Oh, and you might wanna change your wet, see through top." He said over this shoulders.

I gasped and looked at myself. "Asshole!"

Alex isn't that bad. He can be really annoying at times but other than that, he's a good guy, well when he's not being a perv. My mom is head over heels for that guy. She adores him a lot and I don't really know why.


After chatting with a few bickering here and there with Alex. I found out that we will be leaving on the 7 of July around 11pm and we'll be back on the 22. Plane tickets are already bought and it's a three hour flight. Oh dear! I have some major issue with heights.

The guys and I will be staying at a wooden house not so far from some lake in the forest. Apparently mom used to go there every summer so she knows almost everyone there.
It's gonna be a camping outdoor thing which sounds pretty cool.
Alex also mentioned to bring not more than three duffel bags since well be carrying our own weight and I'm okay with that.
He also mentioned something about proper clothing which include boots, pants, tops and jackets because there will be a lot of insects.

Gavin's gonna pick up Sarah, then Twila and Josh followed by Alex then me since he has the biggest vehicle.

Today's the fifth of July which means I only have two days to pack and get my things intact.

All the guys have finished their packing already so it's just me.
Woohooo that's gonna be so boring!!

To tell you the truth, I'm pretty pumped up about this whole trip slash camping thing. It sounds legit.

To be continued.......


There's chapter three.
What do you guys think??
Please tell me about the mistakes.
Also...see you in the next chapter!!!!

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