👹Chapter Fifteen👹

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Guys, listen to Gorgeous by Taylor Swiff- I'm in love with it.

This chapter and the other two or three will be in the others POV. I think it's time to get in their heads.

Here's chapter 15, enjoy!


Twila's POV

It's currently eleven in the night and I can't sleep. With all of that commotion that just occurred, my mind is racing like crazy. I looked at Josh to see him fast asleep. "Baby? Hey baby please wake up." I mumbled, gently shoving him.

He stirred a bit before he shot up. "What? Are you okay cupcake? Why are you awake?" His voice held concern. He rubbed his weary eyes scooting closer to me.

"I'm not actually. I throw up most of my dinner and I'm scared. After Jake went and came home with those bruises and his story, I'm scared and then there's the hand story. I also overheard Rose talking and I don't know what to do." I whispered.

I'm not a strong person. I'm weak. I cry when I'm alone and scared. I may acted all mature but I'm just scared. I acted like this so I wouldn't look weak in front of my friends.

"Hey babe, it's okay. Shush, you don't have to be scared. I'm here, okay and I will always be here, in the future too." He said pulling me into a hug giving me a quick peak. "You said you overheard Rose?"

I nodded, "She was talking about us not leaving the front yard to go into the forest. She overheard Ali saying something about a rotten hand and so on. She mentioned that Alex said Ali is just a bit sick but she's not sure. She might tell us tomorrow. I don't know. What is happening here? Everything is creepy! I don't know what to do." I replied cracking my knuckles a bit.

"Hush now, whatever is it, we'll work it out together. All of us; Alex, Ali, Jake and the rest." He hushed me with a soft kiss on my neck. I giggled a bit liking the feeling of it. "I'll go get you something to eat okay. I'll be right back."

As he walked out of the room, I stay still. I used to cry every time but it all stopped when I met Alex and Sarah. I got bullied a lot and my family decided to move. I was crying like the other days as usual, in the library. I remembered that day like it was yesterday.

"You are ugly. Look at your clothes, ugh. Go change new girl!" Some random girl said to me. I've just moved here from Mexico and it's my second day. I'm ten and a bit chubby. I sat at the library next to the very thin books, reading. As those words left her mouth, a tear slide down my face.

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