Malec ➳ Shadowhunters

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Pairing: Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane
Setting: Somewhere where they are a couple :D
Author: xX_Diamond_Xx
Notes: This is for every single shipper of the awesome and fantastic and beautiful and fabulous gay couple named MALEC ! Honestly, a big part of why I'm hyped for Shadowhunters second season is to see more of Malec. Oops ? Sorry if it's a little bit OOC btw >~< Enjoy this little fluffy one-shot~! -Diamond

After a long and tiring day of training, Alec, exhausted, passed through the front door of his boyfriend's apartment, throwing his equipment bag loudly on the floor so that Magnus would acknowledge his presence, which probably didn't work, but hey...

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After a long and tiring day of training, Alec, exhausted, passed through the front door of his boyfriend's apartment, throwing his equipment bag loudly on the floor so that Magnus would acknowledge his presence, which probably didn't work, but hey, it was worth a shot.

Scanning the room for any sign of life, he saw the familiar little silhouette of Chairman Meow who was stretching himself out on the couch after a long nap. No doubts that Alec must have woke him up with all the noise he made.

"Sorry for interrupting your nap there, Chairman." Alec apologized as he stroke behind the cat's ears.

Purring silently at the gentle touch of the shadowhunter, Chairman was deceived when Alec then proceeded to drag his feet along the floor, making his way towards the kitchen. He lazily opened the fridge and looked for something to drink. The mess between bottles and dishes made it difficult to find something, forcing Alec to rummage through without breaking anything. After a long search he finally found something that looked the same as some good ol' Gatorade.

With the help of his foot, he closed the fridge's door and went back in the living room, literally throwing himself on the comfy couch beside Chairman Meow, who jumped in surprise.

Popping up the lid, he brought the bottle to his lips and took a sip. It didn't taste like any Gatorade he was used to, but found the new flavour quite interesting.

"Oh my — Please tell me you're not drinking what I think you're drinking." Magnus's voice suddenly boomed in the living room.
"Wha—?" Alec tried to answer, only to see the bottle disappear in a small cloud and reappearing in Magnus's hands.

For the first time, Alec saw that the warlock was deep in thought and probably nervous, carefully examining the bottle, taking discreet glances at the shadowhunter.

"Magnus, is everything alright ?"

But Alec wasn't able to even get one small answer out of the warlock. He slouched himself back on the couch, crossing his arms over his chest and eyeing carefully the man in front of him. Then, out of nowhere, something suddenly didn't feel right. His body started to feel light, just as much as his head did. He brought his hands up to his face, rubbing them by reflexes.

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