Bellamy Blake ➳ The 100

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Pairing: Bellamy x Fem!Reader
Setting: During the first season, just 'cause it's the best
Author: AikaKyomi
Requested by: DancingWithBellamy
Notes: First off, I'd like to sincerely apologize to everyone who has been reading this book. We, the authors, have been insanely slow with updates, and we know it. In fact, we've been caught up with our new school (where we live, we have this thing that's like another school you go to before going to university), and all of the things that go with it, so we neglected this book a lot. But now that we got accustomed to this new lifestyle a bit more, we're trying to get back at writing more often for our dear readers. Hoping it wasn't much an issue, and sorry again. Now, may you enjoy this lovely soulmate AU of a oneshot ;)

TRACES Share Your Love
'Decaying, dancing with the danger,
chasing after fears of never falling in love'


Colors. You always wished, from the bottom of your heart, that you'd see them someday. Everyone around you, in the village, constantly talked about the magnificent blue that colored the sky, the gorgeous green that recovered from the grass to the trees, the sublime scarlet hue that distinguished blood from everything else. But you, since the day you were born, never saw them.

It has always been this way. These colors you've always been craving for, you'd only be able to see them when you would meet your soulmate.

Many of your friends had met theirs. Some of them when they were kids, and others more recently. But for you, nothing. You'd seen pretty much every person from your village to approximately a 10-mile radius around it, and still, everything remained black and white.

But since the fall of the sky people onto your lands, a couple weeks back, your people going to war against them prevented you from thinking about that void you felt inside.

Many times, you were sent to spy on them, since your scouting abilities were renowned nearby despite your eyes that still painted the surroundings with grey. And once again, for a countless time, today you were walking near their wooden palisade, footsteps silent as the wind, hoping not to get caught.

To be honest with yourself, you didn't agree with this war. At all. There was no reason to attack people just because they stepped into your territory, especially if they came down from the sky. They probably didn't know a thing about this place, which you found unfair that your own people used this as a flaw. But orders were orders, and you were born, raised, to obey them.

On that day, you were walking near their walls to find a spot where you could watch them in peace. There were a lot of holes in their fences, but you had to make sure they wouldn't see you too from their side, which is why it took you a while to find a good place. You laid down next to the palisade, where your gaze attentively observed their surroundings.

The same as usual, you noticed: disorganized and lost, most of them roamed around their camp, pretty much like kids. They were new to this world, and they were all so young... This wasn't new, but you noticed something else: the number of weapons. So much more than the last time you came: they were everywhere.

This was the kind of information that'd be good to report, but clearly, it wasn't enough. You had to get more. So, you waited, and waited, to register in the back of your mind every single detail that could be important. Hours passed one after another until the sky slowly started to darken to reveal the brilliant moon and its stars. You started considering leaving to go back home when a noise drew your attention not far behind.

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