My Opinion on AU's

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Okay, sorry for the long wait for another section of WEIRDNESS! Or maybe I should say, "Sorry not sorry".
Anywho, I've decided to make a chapter about my opinion of alternate universes that I've heard of. Most of them are from Gravity Falls, others are from other fandoms.
If your fandom isn't mentioned, I'm sorry, I didn't look into some other AU's.

Gravity Falls

Reverse Falls

This AU is basically where Dipper and Mabel work at the Tent of Telepathy with Reverse Bill (or, Will) as their servant. They are known as town darlings: The Gleeful Twins.
(Mabel is in love with Gideon in this)
Cousins Gideon Pines and Pacifica Southeast come to Gravity Falls for the summer and immediately meet their rivals.
(5% sure Pacifica has a pet chicken)
Wendy is the emo who works at the Mystery Shack and Soos is Zeus.
Every role is basically switched.

I take a personal liking to this AU because you get to see the dark side of Dipper and Mabel along with Will as their servant. It's also kinda strange because most people aren't used to the twins being bad and the usual antagonists being good. I really like the AU and it's very fun to draw everyone!

Relativity Falls

This AU switches everyone's ages. Ford and Stan live in the present as kids while Mabel is the head of the Mystery Shack, trying to bring Dipper back from the portal. Pacifica is the head of the Northwest Mansion and Preston is the twins' rival. Gideon is Bud's father (apparently) and they run the Tent of Telepathy. Soos's abuelita works at the Mystery Shack along with Boyish Dan (Manly Dan).
As confusing as everything may be, Bill is exactly the same! Yay!
Anyway, I have a particular liking to this AU because of the Pines Twins (F and S) and how they are the young ones. It's also a nice change of things.

Transcendence AU

This AU is basically: Bill dies and Dipper inherits Bill's powers, making him a full-throttle demon. Complete with a rad outfit and wings!
I do not know if this is true, but only Mabel can see Dipper, or Alcor the Dreambender. (Idk)
That is all of my knowledge of this AU. I kind of like I because Dipper becomes super boss and Mabel goes through high school with him (as a demon), although it makes me miss Bill.

Monster Falls

This AU gets me every time.
Dipper is a deer, Mabel is a mermaid or a unicorn, Wendy is a werewolf, Soos is some sort of slime monster, Stan is a gargoyle, (I believe) Ford is a sphinx, Gideon is a vampire, Bill is a human hunter, Pacifica is a gorgon, etc.
I don't personally know the story line, but I would imagine it would be the same.
This AU is pretty good from what I've heard. I have not delved into the AU entirely, but it's pretty good.
Sorry if I'm clueless XD

One of Us AU

This AU is basically: Ford joins the henchmaniacs during Weirdmageddon. He does this to protect his family and does dastardly things for Bill just to keep his family safe.
That's all I know, sorry! I just found this AU a while ago.
Anyway, recap, I think this AU is pretty neat, seeing what Ford would do for Bill just to keep his own family safe from harm's way.

Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus

The Lost Heroine

This AU is where Annabeth and Reyna are taken by Hera instead of Percy and Jason.
Annabeth and Reyna try to regain their memories on an amazing adventure (for "7-12 year-olds") and eventually find Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter.
This AU is trippy, thinking of the other consequences that would happen. If Percy lost Annabeth, he'd throw a huge tantrum, causing storms and hurricanes. Then he'd send out a search party. Strange? I thought so. Jason would be praetor back at Camp Jupiter.


Here we go.


This AU is  where the Underground has never experienced a Pacifist. Frisk first runs into Flowey and spares him. Flowey makes an ally to Frisk, letting her/him take him around the Underground, helping throughout the adventure. Every monster in the Underground is dark, as they have never experienced Pacifist, but there is a possibility they could be nice.
(5% sure Mad Dummy is the only good one)
I kind of like this AU because it's a weird version of Undertale where everyone is dark and are getting used to the light. I also like how Flowey is carried around the entire time XD


I don't exactly know who the main character is...
I assume it's Frisk...?
Sans is swapped with Papyrus,- Sans is the one trying to get in the Royal guard and is a complete dork, Papyrus is a laid-back smoker- Undyne and Alphys are swapped,- Undyne is the introverted royal scientist, Alphys is the head of the royal guard- Flowey and Temmie are swapped, Mettaton and Napstablook are swapped, Toriel and Asgore are swapped, Muffet and Grillby are swapped, and there are a lot more!
This AU is kinda cool because Sans is all perky, Papyrus is laid-back, and Temmie is evil. The complete opposite!


Everyone is Undyne.
So weird.

Steven Universe

I do not specifically know what the AU is called, but it is where Steven was borne of Greg and Yellow Diamond.
I unfortunately don't know a lot about the AU, besides that Steven goes down the dark path.

Any AU's you wanted to read about? Any mistakes in information? Tell me and I'll probably add them in another chapter of this thing!
Thanks for reading!

Updated: 11-14-16

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