May and June Update!

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Hey guys!
First off, I wanted to say: Thank you all so much for, what was it–?
Wow, I hardly thought I'd make it past 10! I don't know if you guys like my trashy Fanfictions or my fanart or what, but cool!
Secondly, I decided to update since May has arrived. I've also figured out that "Mon's Random Book" is pretty much just me ranting. I hope you guys like me ranting.
Lastly, I've decided to talk about... well, random garbage that's happened recently! I suppose it's probably boring, but if you've made it this far in my chapter of rants, then I suggest you keep reading (and grab some cookies or something). You might be here for a while.

Book/Story/Fanfic/Art Book Updates:
Well, I'm not posting that much art on here as of now. School (and a book series, wink wink.) is getting in the way of me making fanart and I'm also concentrating on other stuff like art for my portfolio.
I'm also a little behind on the Mini Adventures and posting them. In reality, there are over 20 of them, but I've only posted maybe 7-8. There are more to come, so don't worry!
Stories? Some of mine suck. Like, they have a crappy plotline and some have plot holes. Some don't even have a plotline and I'm making them up on the spot. Yikes. I'll edit them eventually.

Random Poll That Appeared:
Which random book of Mon's do you like the best or hate the least?

A) Gravity Falls One-Shots
B) What Is Wrong with Time?
C) Love Struck
D) The Olympian Strangers
E) My Art and Doodles
F) My Art and Doodles II
G) Mon's Random Book

I don't know where that came from.

Hey! I joined a new fandom about three weeks ago.
Guess which one!

[insert your guess here, then proceed]
(Maybe comment your guess or something)

It's Maximum Ride!
What is Maximum Ride? Well, it's basically a series about a group of kids who are 98% human and— get this— 2% avian. Crazy, right? The main character is Max, and she's a headstrong leader who's putting her life on the line to protect her Flock from the world's dangers (something like that).
I'm already on the second series and am currently reading the Final Warning. It is pretty good!
I recommend this book highly! I rate it 5 stars on my book list (which is not many books).

June Update!
Guess who completely forgot to finish the May update?
Anyway, not much has happened in the past month. I finished exams and now I have summer! I haven't been updating my stories that much, sorry, but I've slowly been updating the Mini Adventures!
That's literally it for June.

Sorry I wasted your time with 473 words!

Btw, I'm always up for an RP or friend requests or whatever! Message me! :D

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