Where Have You Been? (TJ: uh France?)

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Howdy hey, guys!

It's been about one? two? months since I've last updated but I'd like to say I've returned! You're probably wondering oh Monicoz where the heck have you been? and I'm here to say I've been enjoying myself because of summer!

But here I am with another update that no one will read, lol. But if you have read this far, I congratulate you.

So yeah I've been a tad bit busy with my own personal things AND I've been drawing an awful lot so....

Also! I've binge-watched a bunch of shows. Like SHERLOCK and TEEN TITANS and THE FRANKENSTEIN CHRONICLES and VOLTRON and stuff. Super exciting, I know. 

So here's the actual update:

The Roommates Situation

I've practically given up on Roommates. I'm just going to turn it into a drawing thing for myself because I'm too wimpy to come up with a strong plotline. I'll occasionally post some dialogue if you wanna read that. But yeah, Roommates is a no-go.

The Writing Situation in General

I've not completely given up on writing, however. I still type fanfictions or my own stories... they're just not on here. (I mainly RP, that's my source of story-writing.) If I had plotlines or characters or any general ideas I'd definitely write more! I'm just sticking to updating my random book. 

Though I did have an idea if anyone would be interested.... do you wanna type a joint-story? I know this came out of the blue so suddenly, but it could possibly work. Like one person types a small bit of the story and passes it on to the second person who compiles both their parts? Or something.... nevermind. Sorry. I'm babbling. PM me for more detail.

(I mainly write dialogue and the occasional action scene, even though they both suck :P)

So yeah. Small update for the end of July. Not too much. 

I hope you enjoyed this small rant! Catch ya later, nerds!

-Monicoz, (July 29, 2018)

P.S. Ask me some questions in my "Ask Me" book! I'll probably look at them!

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