It's February, my dudes [Update]

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(The normal font is from January. Go down to the very bottom for the February update! Or just read this one. I mean, it's your life.)
Hey ya'll! I swear I'm not dead, I just have been busy for the past few weeks.
For instance:
Drawing trash and stuff
Play practice (yes, I'm in a musical now)
On the hype train for new series coming up
Probably screaming?

Yeah, pretty straight-forward.
Now, onto some random updates!

If you've managed to read this far, I applaud you, only, it may get more boring or random as it progresses.

The Roommates situation:
I've not been working on it that much. I've been concentrating on my own drawing and writing things. There is still a bit of a guarantee that an except may come out sooner or later? Maybe some one-shots. (Or crossovers)
If you have any questions, ask or whatever.
It will most likely become an animation series instead.
(Descriptions of them may come out soon)

Other writings:
Not very active on the other stories... Sorry. The Plotlines really need to be fixed since I got Wattpad a while ago and my ideas were trash. Yup.

RP situation:
Always up for it!
(I mainly RP either Steven Universe, the Roommates, or OC's)

Other thoughts?

I need to listen to the new FOB album, is it good?

Okay okay, this update actually was typed mid-January so the February update is in bold.
Hey guys! Sorry I've not been extremely active! I have been under loads of work and stress and I haven't had much time to do things.
I've had two essays and two paragraphs to type in a matter of two weeks so I'm sorry for not being active.
I've also been very stressed because of it and last night and today have pretty much been the least stressful days of the week.
I am also in a musical which eats up my time.
I believe that is all I have to say for now.
Ask questions if need be. I might answer if I'm not busy.

Monicoz out, my bruddahs

(P.S. Still awaiting the next new meme)

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