Random Facts about Me??

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I don't really know why I did this. I dunno if it was writer's block? Or maybe I really just wanted to ask myself questions. Still not sure. I'll find out soon enough.

Random Facts!
1. I love to draw, and I have been drawing since I was about 3 or 4 years old. Don't worry, I've improved! (Unless you wanna see my humans with no fingers) I'm a left-handed self-taught artist, and most of these things have no reference. (I don't trace, by the way.) Most of my drawings now consist of sketches, doodles, and the occasional "let's color it in so it looks pretty!" drawing. Most of my art is either on here or Pinterest.

2. I'm a HUGE fan girl. I fangirl in public (mostly in squeals), when reading, at school, anywhere. I have a lot of fandoms and I'm slowly getting into some new ones. I delve into the nerdy things like Doctor Who or intriguing book series like Percy Jackson and Harry Potter (which, in fact, are amazing, and I highly recommend them!). I've also got an armada of ships so don't blow the canon into them!

3. I have a weird obsession with meteorology and astronomy. Emphasis on weird.
Tornado siren in the distance? Cool! Let's look at the pouring down rain!
Wanna learn about how hot Mercury can become? Sure! Planets!
Why do you keep looking at the sky? Because there are clouds.

4. I usually suffer from writer's block. Some of my stories are great ideas like "warlocks and wizards and dragons and stuff", the other is sort of like SPACE CATS! I'm also convinced I have ADHD sometimes. One minute, I'm very serious, thinking of stories and plot lines, and the next, I can be like: Big man, lean left! (Voltron: Legendary Defender reference)

That's most of my facts, I suppose.
How about some questions?

How long have you been writing?
(I know like it sounds like I'm interviewing myself) I have been writing since I knew what the alphabet was. If I had to make an estimate, I'd say about since I was four years old. Those stories consisted of dog stories, The Pigeon fan fictions, and stories about myself. There was no plot line, witty characters, or much of a setting or genre. It was all make-believe and completely irrelevant, but it was fun. My stories have gotten a lot better (even if the humor kinda sucks), don"5 you worry.

Any personal information worth sharing?
I live in America and I am 5'6". Good enough?

Do you roleplay? (AKA: The most random question ever.)
Yes, in fact, I do! I do RP's whenever I can and usually only do fandom rp's or random human ones. My main OC is Monica, who is my profile picture as well as the person who pretty much describes me. I've actually gotten few requests but I'm always open for it!

Newest fandoms??
I've gotten into Homestuck a little bit, but I'm still in 2009. I got into Eddsworld, but I'm not in the fandom (issues land). I'm also getting into Voltron: Legendary Defender! It's pretty good. I got into Fullmetal Alchemist not too long ago but I've been very slow.

That is most of the stuff that I can share. I really have no idea why I've been sitting behind this screen for half an hour writing this stuff for you guys. Not even sure if you'll read it XD
Oh well. Off to adventures in whatever sounds exciting!

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