Random Idea! *not important*

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Alright, so I'm planning on writing a story or so in Wattpad.

One story might be a one-shot (for starters) about one of my OC's living in Gravity Falls. If it gets any reads (XD it probably won't), I'll turn it into a fanfic. If not, I'll just leave it as a one-shot. 

I have another idea or so: the first one will be a fanfic about Dipper (after the events of Sock Opera), the other about Stanford and random biz. Maybe I'll do some Bad End Friends (a great thing, you should check it out!).

Reader: Mon, why are you writing so many stories? You've barely touched 'Power Switch' and the 'Olympian Strangers'! You need to set your priorities straight!! *throws chair*

Me: I know!!! I know, I've been slacking. But I have school and work to do and I've been getting distracted. Heck, I've been reading a book so slow that it's taken more than a month!!

Reader: You need help.

Me: I know.

Reader: ...

Me: ...

Reader: ...

Me: I literally typed this entire chapter because I was distracted. 

Sorry. I got distracted. So, I'll update as soon as I can! Apologies for the slowness XD

Btw, I'm most likely gonna update the most successful/interesting story I have, so sorry for the wait on a story you like!









Never mind. I'm still here.

I'm also gonna make a Gravity Falls RolePlay book! Yay.

That's it.



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