Tiny Update!

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Yeah, yeah. I already updated today. But I had a great idea come to mind. I have a new idea for a story (that you guys will hopefully like) about three people who live together in an apartment as roommates.

You: Monica you're probably not gonna add onto it like every other story you've written. Be real.
Me: I'm as real as Percabeth is canon.

Yeah, I'm gonna write it. I'll have to take a few breaks because of school but I will update it every now and then.

You: What's this idea, then?
Me: As of now, I have three characters (Nate, Jamie, and Seth) who go on adventures. As Timmy Turner says, "What could possibly go wrong?"
(Sorry Timmy, but whenever you say that things get screwed up)

But they are the roommates who go on weird adventures. My plan is that I write in kinda in a TV show format...?
(Gotta work on the layout and plotline, obviously)

So comment what you guys think on what this story will bring! It should be coming out this week or the next.

Adios my friends!

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