September Has Come

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It's Monica again with another completely random update!

I'm not entirely sure what to say besides that IT'S SEPTEMBER! Time for sweater weather.

This month, if I'm not busy, I should be able to upload more Mini Adventures. It takes me a while to type the dialogue on my phone so sorry that I've not been updating that. I'll also start drawing some random pictures of Peridot and/or Lapis because they're two of the only characters I can draw XD.

I'm also not writing much due to lack of inspiration (and school starting back up). I also haven't updated my other stories in a while so sorry about that too. 

Lol I'm not sure anyone reads this or cares about it. 


So, onto some fandom ranting!

I've been interested Eddsworld for a while so yay, but I'm staying away from the fandom. I hear that place is a freaking mess. (Really I just like some of the fanart and animations, not so much the ships or the strife :/ ) It's the characters and the animation that grab me. And Edd. Yup.

There are a few other things that I've gotten interested into/started watching: 

Miraculous Ladybug, Camp Camp (uh oh), and RWBY

I finished Miraculous in a week or so. In my honest opinion, it's really cheesy with the plotline (until the end) but has great animation. I really think Marinette and Adrien need to get together for crying out loud. Also, I don't know if I should be excited or furious when season 2 rolls around because of the new Miraculouses and their possessors. But other than that, it's getting really good.

I'm slowly progressing on Camp Camp. I really like the characters in it and it is kinda relatable. (David is a cinnamon roll and needs to be protected) Also, there needs to be some chill with the Woodscouts and all I want is for Neil to have something science-y. He deserves it.

I'm about halfway through season 2. RWBY, I just started. I watched one episode a while ago and I really think it's cool! (Don't spoil anything for me) I already drew a happy girl with her crazy scythe (Ruby Rose) and I'm gonna watch more of it later.

(RWBY and Camp Camp are made by Rooster Teeth on YouTube. Go check them out!)

Reason #2 why I've not been updating for a while is because of a game called Terraria. It's exceedingly addicting and I'm surprised I'm not blind because I've been playing it so much. Lotsa weapons, lotsa boss battles, lotsa everything. 

Anywho, I don't have much else to spill besides that. If you guys wanna talk to me, great. If you guys wanna RP with me, great. I've tons of trash in my head, a billion character designs (not literally), and a shelf full of art. Message me or something. (I don't have any friends on this website yet)

Adios amigos!



For those in Texas and Florida affected by Hurricane Harvey and Irma, I hope you guys are okay. :)

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