Chapter One

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Days like today are my favorites. Laying in the lush meadow filled with every kind of flower you could ever imagine behind my house. Trees lining the edge sway gently with the warm breeze. Looking into the never-ending blue and listening to the lulling sounds of nature. It's so peaceful out here; it's like nothing can hurt me and I can say anything I want without anyone hearing and using it against me. My long chestnut hair was fanned out around my head like the mane of a lion. A bunny came hopping by only to come and look at me. I looked at the little grey animal and raised my hand to pet it. It took that as an opening and nestled right up against me. I lowered my arm around the animal and matched my breathing to hers.

Sleep clouded the edge of my vision. The warmth of the bunny, the soft breeze, and the soft grass made me ever so tired. My eyelids shut and I embraced the sleep. Lately I haven't gotten much sleep; too much has been on my mind. But out here sleep came easily, my thoughts cleared and nothing dared to hurt me.

From somewhere around the meadow I heard a rustle of leaves but refused to open my eyes. I turned onto my side and clung onto the bunny. The bunny's fur brushed my arm and I knew she had lifted her head. Within a few seconds I felt her lower it again and her breathing became even and deep. The rustle of leaves came closer and I wouldn't open my eyes. I didn't care if it was danger I just wanted to stay in the blissful silence of sleep. My new little friend didn't stir again and the rustle of leaves stopped to my left, the side I was facing. Then without opening my eyes I realized the person had lain down beside me. Their gaze burned into me. Stirring slightly, I made a little moan and some hair fell into my face. Whoever was beside me extended their hand and tucked my hair behind my ear.

Sleep came easily again. I must have been asleep for another hour before I became aware of everything again. The little bunny was still tucked in my arms and the gaze of the mysterious person still burned holes into my skin. I moved my fingers slightly and felt another hand underneath it. Without opening my eyes I could tell the sun was setting because the glare on my eyelids was dimming. The person quickly removed their hand from under mine. I thought they had left and I twisted onto my back moving Cleo, the grey bunny, onto my stomach. Then strong arms lifted me up and started walking. At first I thought this was me being kidnapped but the direction they were taking me was in the way of my house. Moaning I shifted my arms to cradle Cleo still snoozing away.

"I can walk," I slurred. My lips didn't want to work properly. All the weeks of not sleeping was taking its toll and I didn't mind. Honestly, I didn't care if I didn't wake up. It would be a blessing to subside to the never-ending sleep.

A deep chuckled rumbled through the person carrying me. It reverberated through me like an earthquake. "Not in this state, Leena."

My eyes shot open all the sleep clearing away for a few minutes. Only one person in the whole world calls me that. Kye Daniels loomed over me his black hair messy like he just woke up. A smile was spread across his face reaching from ear to ear. We had stopped walking and his amber eyes burned into my teal ones. His smile was contagious and I had to smile back.

"And what state am I in exactly?" I asked mockingly. His smile widened a little more.

"The state that you're so in love with me that you can't walk," his warm smile turned into the smirk he uses when he's playing games. I rolled my eyes and a small laugh escaped my lips. This was his game, trying to get me to tell him I love him.

"In your dreams, Kye, in your dreams," being careful of Cleo I slipped from his arms and stood in front of him with a victory smirk on my own lips. "Oh wait, I think I'm already there." He laughed, he really laughed. It was a deep; velvet sound that made my heart skip a few beats.

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