Chapter 6 continued...

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Jase sat on the foot of my bed with a mug of hot coffee we had just made. I realized I still had Kye's jacket on and threw it in the corner. I sat in the middle of my bed with a thermos filled with hot chocolate and a blanket draped over my lap. My lamp cast everything in a soft yellow glow. Jase being here made my heart threaten to pound its way out of my chest. I had to take a few deep breaths to get it to a reasonable pace. When I looked up Jase was staring at me.

"Where have you been these past five years?" I asked into the heavy silence.

"Everywhere," he said scooting closer. "What I want to know was why you loved him, why did you let him pull you away?" he was now so close that his thigh touched the tips of my toes.

"At first I thought he just wanted to get to know me better and was shy around you," I started. "Then he started making more and more excuses. I have to admit my curious eleven year old self wanted to know why. So I stopped fighting, then he just kept taking me to the same place, the waterfall. Shame and guilt that I had let my curiosity get the best of be raced through me. That wound never healed. Then he began to grow on me and his glamour pushed away all the guilt and shame, making the wound never heal. But for the longest time I thought the wound was gone. He then on my birthday a month ago, kissed me in front of the whole school. I thought he loved me, and then he vanished and this is the first I've seen of him since my birthday. I still feel ashamed for what I put you through and I still love you too. I always have and always will. I'll never let you go again. If you give me another shot."

I looked into his blue eyes and he smiled at me. "I'll always give you another shot."

I smiled back at him and looked down at how close we were. We were practically touching. When I raised my head again Jase was gone and the dream dissipated into a grey fog and I shot awake to rocks on my windowsill. 

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