Chapter 8

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Jase looked down ashamedly as did Kye. "I'm not kidding you two, I need explanations. I just had a display of magic come from within me and while that was happening you two started brawling," I looked at Jase raw guilt coursing through me only to be smothered by glamour. "Please, how did you get here and what just happened."

I pulled my nightgown over my knees as I sat down and hugged them to my chest. I patiently, hoping my silence would bring out their answers. It didn't. I cleared my throat and Jase's eyes snapped up to mine. Our gazes locked and I refused to back down, but I softened my gaze so he wouldn't be scared. Last thing I wanted was the one guy that had stole my heart to be scared of me. Finally, he sighed and his shoulders slumped the slightest bit; I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't known him for so long.

"Kye," he started as he rubbed at his face with one hand, "we have to tell her. She already knows what she is we have to tell her now."

Kye shook his head. "We can't tell her in full detail or else you know who will hunt us down. We can't endanger her like that."

"Okay than let's blandly tell her she needs to know something," Jase said.

Butterflies coursed through me as those electric blue eyes settled on my face. But something wasn't right. I couldn't tell what but this wasn't right. I backed up slowly; this all felt like a trap. This was too easy. Kye stepped towards me but I jumped away and that's when I saw him. The guy in the cloak was watching us and there was an arrow aiming for Jase. I panicked and jumped in front of him. The arrow went straight through my gut, staying there like it was its own home. My legs gave way and I almost collapsed but Jase caught me and lowered me to the ground. His hands shook as he took the arrow out.

"Oh god, why now?" Jase kept muttering. "I don't know how to do anything medical."

"Apply pressure to the wound," I started. "Keep a steady heat to cauterize the veins so they stop bleeding. Kye get my nurse bag and grab the peroxide, gloves, my needles and thread and a sterile blue paper mat. Hurry!"

He vanished into my room and was back with everything I asked. Jase kept muttering curses

and held me close.

"Place the blue mat underneath me," they did as I said. "Now has the bleeding stopped on the front?" Jase nodded. "Okay flip me over and do that side." They did as I said carefully but swiftly. "Put on the gloves and pour peroxide on the wound to disinfect it." I winced but gritted my teeth. "Sew up the wound carefully, as if you were sowing clothes together by hand."

"You need an anesthetic," Jase countered.

"I'm fine just so it up I'm losing blood." He did and then did the front starting back with the peroxide. "Good now, to bring my blood sugar back up, I need something sweet. Like an orange juice or a cookie or something so I don't crash." Jase left this time and came back with both within a minute. Kye sat behind me to help me sit up and Jase helped me eat and drink. I felt stable, for now.

"Thank you guys for saving me," I said.

"Don't thank us you told us what to do," Jase joked.

Kye has been quiet this whole time. I looked back and his eyes are narrowed and aimed at Jase. He's jealous? Angry? Both? I tap his forehead and he looks at me.

"What's wrong?" I ask genuinely.

"He wasn't supposed to save you, now the prophecy is changing," Kye ground out.

"What prophecy?"

"Then one where Kye saves you and you fall in love and become his betrothed princess of the fey kingdoms," Jase answers softly.

"So I'm just some cat toy you're fighting over so you can be in the prophecy?" I hiss.

Before they can respond I get up and walk to the meadow. I need to clear my head and the only way I can is to be in the one place I love, alone. I sit down in the middle and play with fire over my fingertips. I have a ball of dancing warmth in my hands when a swarm of ravens head down towards me. They swirl as if caught in a windstorm then they disappear and in their place is a girl.

Raven was back once more.

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