Chapter 2

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Rough hands clasped onto my shoulders and shook me gently. Instinctively, I reached for the bunny but she wasn't there. I opened my eyes and saw that she was sitting on my pillow looking from me to Kye. Was it midnight already? Damn I slept like a rock.

I rolled over onto my side and looked up at him. Stubble lined his jaw and his eyes were practically glowing with excitement. Sitting up, I noticed my window was closed and my door was unlocked. My white dress and heels from last year were at the foot of my bed. Looking back at Kye, he had a smirk plastered onto his face.

"If I'm your best friend you'd get changed without shooing me out," he whispered. I wanted to smack him already and the adventure didn't even start yet. Rolling my eyes, I gracefully jumped out of bed and drifted over to the dress.

"You are truly an ass," I said pulling my shirt off and slipping the dress over my head. There was no way I was taking my pants off without something covering my underwear. I peeled my pants off and strapped on my heels. Throwing my hair into a pony tail I turned to Kye. He was staring at the ground.

"I'm a polite ass," he said raising his gaze. When his eyes met mine he smirked again. "Point to Leena." Oh I really wanted to smack him now. But then I felt like someone was watching me again. Kye's gaze darted over my shoulder and narrowed into dangerous slits. I spun to kick whoever was there in the face but a cowled figure just caught my ankle and vanished. My foot dropped and I slowly looked at Kye. A growl escaped him before he sobered and grinned at me.

Kye opened my window and extended his hand to mine. He did this all the time but for some reason I hesitated. Something about his smile made me all warm and tingly. Mischief danced in his eyes as I took his hand. We jumped out the window and, like always, he pulled me to his chest. His embrace was tighter than usual. When my feet hit the ground he let go of me. I walked a few steps forward before I turned to face him. Kye's head was tilted to the moon. The light made his features stand out more prominent than in the sun. He lowered his gaze from the sky and turned toward the meadow.

We started walking and when we entered the woods I became a little scared. Walking in the woods in the middle of the night equals trouble. As we walked Kye kept vanishing and coming up behind me and poked me in the side or he would tug my hair, or come up right in front of me. Then one time he popped up in front of me I gave him a small kiss on his cheek. He jerked and I cocked my head.

"What, I didn't do anything," I said innocently.

He just shook his head and vanished again.

Suddenly I heard rushing water and I knew where we were. It was the little grove we used to run off to as children. When the trees dropped away I was standing right in front of a pond. Kye was on the other side. He beckoned me over I just looked from the water to him and back again. There was no way around without ruining my heels. Kye understood and placed his hand on the water. A patch of ice spread across the water and I jumped a little. Slowly, I placed my foot onto the ice and then the other. Once I was confident the ice would hold I started walking towards him. Each step I took made some ice melt behind me, breaking the bridge that led me over to him. My feet hit solid ground and the ice vanished as if it was never even there to begin with.

He took my hand and led me over to the waterfall. A flush had crept over my cheeks and I was grateful for the darkness. Butterflies crawled into my stomach as he stopped me right in front of the waterfall. I turned to face him and his hair fell into his eyes and he looked down at the little stream. Confusion hung thick in my head, but was replaced by fear when he vanished. Taking deep breaths I found a patch of grass and sat down, spreading my dress out around me like a fan.

The silence became unbearable and I started to sing a song that always calms me down. "These battle scars, don't look like they're fadin'. Don't look like they're ever going away, like they're ever gonna change, these battle..." I stood up and began from the beginning. "Think they'll heal but it never does, that's because you're at war," I started to twirl in small circles. The imaginary beat was working its way through my body. "At war with love, these battle scars, don't look like they're fadin'. Don't look like they're ever going away, like they're ever gonna change, these battle..." I kept singing it until I heard a rustle of leaves behind me.

My eyes sparkled with excitement as I turned to face Kye. The music that was playing in my head died away until I could hear my thoughts again. Kye chuckled and walked forward. He didn't stop until we shared a breath. My heart beat picked up until I was sure he could hear it. I had to tip my head up to look into his eyes. He smiled and lowered his head. Our lips were inches apart that all I had to do was stand on my tiptoes to make them touch. Refusing to do so, I pushed against the little girl urges and smiled.

"Close your eyes," he whispered finally. I looked into his amber eyes, his gaze was soft. Without hesitating I shut my eyes. At first I thought he was going to kiss me but then I remembered that it was Kye. Kye doesn't like me like that so I didn't get my hopes up.

I heard Kye walk over to my left and set something down. Buttons got pressed and music started playing. It was battle scars, he was playing my song. Light flared, and I knew he made balls of light. Something else hit the ground and then he was walking towards me. I felt his breath against my cheek and knew he was back in the spot he left from.

"Open," he said. Slowly, but surely I opened my eyes. Once again his lips were right there. All I had to do was incline my head and stand on tiptoes and those soft lips would be on mine. But then the chorus to battle scars came and I couldn't help but turn around.

Balls of light floated around everywhere and an IPod was lying on the big boulder by the waterfall. It was hooked up to two Bluetooth speakers. Books lay on a blanket by the big rock and a purple dress with silver flats were slung over the pile of books. There was no way I would be able to out do this for his birthday this year. I had subconsciously started to walk and I had to stop myself before I reached the books.

I turned around to find Kye standing in the same position I had left him in. I ran and jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Thank you ever so much Kye," I whispered into his ear. "This is amazing. Point to Kye." He chuckled and buried his head into the space between my neck and shoulder. Gently, he put me down and vanished.

I didn't worry; instead I walked over to the books and looked at them. They were all the books I wanted. I hugged one and squealed. Battle scars was restarting so I turned it up and began to sing and twirl. I glanced at myself in the little stream and undid my hair. I felt more like myself. Leaves began to crunch behind me but it didn't even faze me. Instead I just began to twirl and sing again. I ran into Kye by accident and he looked into my teal gaze burning with happiness. He smiled and bent his head again. Being irrational I kissed his cheek again and grabbed his hands. He looked at me as if I had mental issues but I just beamed at him and began to swing his arms.

Kye started to get the beat and we started to dance together. The light burned brightly and I felt like nothing could ruin this night. Until I heard my brother's voice calling out my name.

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