Chapter 4

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"Where have you been?" I asked pulling back. "I tried looking for you but you weren't here, did-did you leave?"

He pulled me back into his embrace and didn't pull back as he began to talk. "No! I would never leave you on such an occasion. Every time I saw you, I would take a step forward and you were gone. Probably off talking to some...not gonna get into that right now all that matters is we have some alone time." He pulled back then and snapped his fingers. All the crud and disorganization was cleaned up and the house was spotless. I envied him greatly.

"Thank you," I said staring around the now clean house. When I looked at him again was when I remembered that I was still in his embrace. I took a step forward and laid my head on his shoulder. "I'm really grateful, for everything. I mean it Kye, everything you do for me, it—it's amazing. I'm lucky to have you in my life." I squeezed him a little before I raised my head again. His amber eyes sparkled with amusement. I felt disappointed and drew back. Once he knew what I was doing his grip tightened around me and he drew me closer.

"What are you doing?" he mused. I didn't laugh, I only felt disappointed that he would feel amused at my thanks.

"Backing up," I said a little smile tugged on my lips but I didn't give in to the urge.

"But, isn't this how you daydream about us?" he laughed a little and I was getting a little annoyed.

I shifted so I could see his whole face clearly. "Can we not get into this now? There's a party out there waiting and if I don't get out there in like five minutes they're gonna start to panic."

Kye tilted his head and his lips brushed mine ever so slightly but I didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me trip up. "Why do you wanna to leave me so badly? Is there someone there trying to hit you up?" His smile faded for a second but was back up the next.

"What?! No the guy I like is too blind to see how much I care for him," I said dropping my arms. "He only likes to play games and see if he can make me break." That's when I knew I gave it away. All these years of trying to hide this from him and I practically just told him I loved him. Kye just smiled and pulled me close. I was done fighting; he could do whatever he pleased so long I could leave to go to my party in the next three minutes.

"I made a new poem, wanna hear it?" he asked.

"Kye—," he cut me off with a pinch to the side. I lowered my gaze to the floor and nodded.

Kye took a deep breath and released it slowly. He took a few more until I thought he was falling asleep. I nudged him with my elbow and he started. Opening his eyes, he took one last breath before the poem began.

"Teal eyes, full lips. One Kye, wishing for a kiss.

A meadow, a girl. A radio, a twirl.

Waterfalls, animals. Autumn calls, love pulls.

Hearts warm, love comes. Friendship storms, passion hums.

Amber eyes, one dream. Teal eyes, love steams.

Leena, Kye. Full lips, amber eyes."

I didn't realize tears were coming down my face until his poem was over. He wiped my tears away and leaned his forehead against mine. I looked at the clock and realized if I wasn't out there in two minutes panic would start to break out. I pulled back and pointed to the clock and he nodded. He sped me across the path until we were just hidden from view. I took the walkie talkie that connected me to the DJ and turned it on.

"I'm where we planned, Joe," I whispered. The music cut off and that was my cue.

"Lights are ready buzz me when you're in view," Joe replied.

Unlikely AssassinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora