Chapter 13

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I hopped out my window and landed in a crouch. I took a step forward and I saw a bright light in the meadow. I started towards it cautiously, my sword at the ready next to me. I took a deep breath, I've never killed anything and I hope I don't have to. 

The light was a pale yellow and it dimmed as I neared. Finally I crested the top of the hill and I saw a floating yellow glowing sign. Shething my weapon, I walked over to it and laughed. Remember how I said there were no signs that said "oh yea the end of the world is this way?" Well here was a sign that said The End Of The World This Way<---. 

I knelt on the ground laughing so hard my sides hurt. Taking a few deep breaths I stood and followed the sign into the woods. Mistake! 

The creature from my nightmare a while back before my birthday was right there. The ink spider wolf thingy. I instinctively pulled out my sword and twirled it a few times for extra faness. 

The thing lunged at me. I rolled out of the way and met his claw with my sword without turning around. It was like my body knew what I was doing but my mind didn't. Pushing the thing away I lunged, faked right and cut up with my sword. The creature dodged and backhanded me. I flew into a tree and sank to the ground.

"You son of a bitch," I grit through my teeth. 

I got myself to a crouch and lunged for my sword. I got it and immediately blocked the incoming claw. Bashing the hilt down onto the creature's wrist, the bones cracked loudly. Using the down wrist and I hopped on its arm. Running up it's arm I had to roll and duck a few times. Then I jumped off it's shoulder and sliced my sword across it's throat. When I landed the creature thudded down. I stood and sheathed my sword.

"What the hell did I just do?" I thought aloud.

"Killed your first monster, congrats Lee," an unfamilar voice said.

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