Chapter 9

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My heart pounded in my chest as I took in the black haired girl that had once been my best friend. Deceit and magic had torn her from me. I took a step back but she stepped forward. As i peered into her face there was nothing angry or revengeful there, just regret.

"Lee, we need to talk," her voice was gentle. 

"What's there to talk about?" I asked hastily.

"I know you're angry at me but please just listen," she was genuine so I listened. "The prophecy is changing and not in a good way. You weren't supposed to take the arrow for Jase. Jase wasn't even supposed to be here. You need to tread lightly Lee, for better or worse. The prophecy isn't always still so any little thing you do will change the whole thing."

"Why do you care?"

"You are my world, as with any other fey. We protect our princess with our lives, except Ash."

"Who's that?" I tilted my head slightly like a confused cocker spaniel. 

"The person who will either be your demise or your savior."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I must go now Princess Aleena, farewell," raven swirled around her and fled despite my cries of protest.

My head was swimming. I felt like i was underwater and I would get to the surface just to get run over with more waves. I sank to my knees, holding my stomach for support. Why was life twisting and turning on me? Why was I the center of this? Why couldn't another girl take my spot? God this wasn't fair! I can't fathom this idea, it's just too absurd. I clutched my hair, feeling the stress levels rise.

A hand touched my shoulder and I screamed. Electric blue eyes tilted up with amusement as I smacked his arm. 

"Don't do that!" I said.

"My apologies, Aleena," he chuckled, then sat down beside me.

"Ugh, why did you guys have to do this to me?" I buried my face in my hands.

Jase sat down beside me and put his arm around me. I leaned into him, enjoying this stable comfort. For some reason, I felt safe within the circle of his arms. Cold regret stabbed through me like a knife. Leaving him behind was probably the most painful thing I've ever done and I could never heal because of Kye smothering me with glamour.

"You know how bad I feel for leaving you behind?" I asked after minutes of silence. 

"Don't worry about it, we're here now that's all that matters," he said.

"But the thing is, you're not really here, this is all a fight for the glory of the prophecy, whatever that is," he tensed and I assumed he thought I was to pull away, but I just sank into him more. 

"If only you knew the truth," his voice was small.

"Then tell me the truth."

"I will not put you at risk, I will not give you to Ash so freely. I will protect you with all I have, whether you hate me or not for it."

"Will you at least tell me about my powers?"

"That I can do."

So we sat there leaning into each other, his voice reverberating through the hollow meadow. I listened as he spoke of my powers and how they connected to the earth. It explained why whenever I needed space, the meadow cleared my head. Now that I was understanding my powers, I saw the world around me with a great sharpness. Glamour surrounding each living thing, everything looking brighter and sharper. I smiled for while he explained it to me, the world changed. 

Finally I understood and the world responded to that.

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