Chapter 5

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I sat on the ground swallowed by the questions and accusations clouding my brain. First of all, Raven wasn't a human, that was as clear as glass. But what was she? Why did she pretend to be my friend? Did she plan on getting close to me so she could hurt me and manipulate me? What was she? I felt a hand on my shoulder and all my thoughts fled from me leaving me exhausted. I looked up at the person who's hand was on my shoulder and was surprised to see Kye.

Dropping my gaze, I managed to see that we were at the waterfall. His poem from earlier came back to me and tears pricked my eyes. I cast my gaze to the forest floor and let the silent tears fall. Why was Kye even here? Didn't he hate my guts right now? Wasn't he pissed about what Raven did? Didn't he want to be alone?

As though he read my thoughts he sat down beside me and pulled me into him. "You know, I'm mad right?"

I chocked the tears back and gushed my feelings to him. "I know you're mad and I'm sorry. I'm sorry on so many levels you can't even comprehend. Raven, betrayed me and hurt me and I was too blind and stupid to see. When I saw Peter give you the twenty she didn't even try and turn my thoughts the other way. That's when I should have figured out that something was up. You don't know how bad I feel about this. My insides hurt and my brain is overloading and I hurt you. That's the worst thing I could ever do. I tried to keep my feelings towards you a secret because, why would you ever like me? And I am so sorry," tears spilled and I pushed through. "I'm sorry for everything I did. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. If I could change this whole night I would. I would make it so I never invited Raven, I would change how I reacted, and most importantly I would change how bad I hurt you. I was so blind and I don't blame you if you never wanted to see me again."

I hung my head and waited for him to drop his arm and leave me. But instead of leaving he tightened his grip on me. "I said I was mad, but I never said I was mad at you," Kye whispered. His

sweet breath kissed my cheek leaving a fiery trail of heat. "What Raven did will not go unknown, she will be punished I will promise you that. She had such a grip on you that she was making you say half the things you said to me. I can never stay mad at you."

The warmth and deeper meaning of his words sunk into me and I buried my head in the spot where his neck meets his shoulder, perfect fit. His soft lips, that I just got to taste tonight, planted a firm kiss on the top of my head. I don't know how long we sat like that but after a while my heart beat evened out and I felt calm and peaceful. Kye's firm grip on my waist and my head on his shoulder seemed to clear everything away. This, this is where I belong. He is where I belong. The sound of rushing water was lulling and surrounded me in a cloud of bliss. I was on a level of calm that I didn't know was possible for my hyper active brain.

A coldness pricked the back of my neck and traveled down my spine. On instinct I stiffened. This coldness was not one of nature but one of celestial being. That cowled figure was back just lurking on the edge of the woods out of sight. What did it want from me?

"Leena, what is it? What's wrong?" Could Kye really not feel the celestial coldness creeping into the air? Did he notice and didn't want to say anything because he didn't want to freak me out? Too late, panic is already clouding my brain.

"Kodi inu mumaona kuti kuzizira?" I whispered in our native tongue knowing that the cowled figured wouldn't understand. I asked him if he could feel the coldness, in case you didn't understand.

"You can feel it too?" he whispered right into my ear. There was no way the moving shadow could hear us. I gave one small nod and that was all he needed. In the next moments to come were to be chaotic.

The shadow detached itself from its lurking point and lunged for us. Kye shielded me with his own body and transported us into my room. But he screamed in pain as we left the sight. Once we were safe in my room, Kye loosened his grip on me and I scrambled out to look at what was causing him pain. He fell forward but caught himself. His head hung low causing his black hair to fall into his eyes. I went around him to get a look at his back and gasped.

That mark. That mark was still fresh and festering in my mind. It was on my grandmother's back when I found her dead. Her blood everywhere, cuts and bruises covering her whole body, her lucky mpulumutsi knife sticking out of her chest, and her eyes. Her eyes wide open with fear and pain. I could practically see her screaming as that evil killed her and then branded her. Our eyes draining of life as she whispered her last words to me from her knife barely missing her heart. It was so fresh in my mind that I screamed out in anger that Kye had it on his sun kissed skin.

Three claw marks, a capital A in the center, and a dagger sticking through the A. My throat became raw quickly and I worriedly looked at the door, but no one came running. It was as if no one heard it besides me and Kye. I grabbed my nurse kit off of my desk and began tending to the wound. Blood gushed out and when I finally got it to stop Kye whimpered. Very gently, I stitched up the wound that was the most severe and cleaned the others.

Once I finished cleaning all the blood off of him, I marveled as his skin began to stitch itself together. Even the spot I had to stitch up myself healed, but it became a jagged scar. Carefully, I placed my cool hands against his hot skin and started to take out the unnecessary suture. Then I stood up and walked over to the vanity sink in the bathroom across the hall. Cleaning my nurse implements, the memory of that horrid night I found my agogo lying in her bed barely breathing flooded my mind. The fear of ending like she did filled my veins with their icy flow and anger pulsed with the steady beat of my heart.

Quickly I dried off my tools and hurried back to Kye; his face was pale and his amber eyes

were shut. As quietly as I could, I placed my kit on my bed and went downstairs trying not to stumble in the dark. I turned on my kitchen light and found the leftovers in the fridge. Grabbing the crappy plates I plopped good helpings of food on each plate and set them in the microwave. I set to work on making some hot chocolate and it all finished at the same time. Before the microwave could beep endlessly I opened it and placed the hot plates on the wooden carry tray. The hot chocolate finished just in time and I set those on the tray as well. Plastic silverware and fancy napkins finished off the tray.

I left the kitchen and walked to my room in the pitch black dark. The light was on in my room and I smiled. Kye always seemed to do something without moving. Using my bony hip I pushed open the door to find Kye laying on my bed with one arm slung over his face. The tray was burning my hands and I quickly and silently placed it on the end of the bed. Kye didn't even stir. I shut the door and perched next to him lightly. The best way to wake him up was usually to say the newest poem he just wrote right next to his ear. I don't know why but he only wakes up if I say his poem. So that's what I did. I recalled his sweet words and bent down so I was close to his left ear.

"Teal eyes, full lips. One Kye, wishing for a kiss.

A meadow, a girl. A radio, a twirl.

Waterfalls, animals. Autumn calls, love pulls.

Hearts warm, love comes. Friendship storms, passion hums.

Amber eyes, one dream. Teal eyes, love steams.

Leena, Kye. Full lips, amber eyes."

A smile pulled on his lips and he removed his arm from his face. He opened one sleep filled amber eye and peered at me. Then he closed it again and took a deep breath. Without warning he opened them both and grabbed my chin, which was still close to his face, and kissed me gently. A brush of his lips against mine. Sparks flew through my nerves and I smiled at him as he pulled back.

"I brought us some steaming leftovers and triple hot chocolate," I said breathlessly.

"Zikomo," he replied and sat up bringing me up with him.

He slid over on the bed to make room for me and I snuggled up against him. Then I realized I had to grab the tray. But, when I looked up it was levitating towards us. I poked his side as it settled on his lap. We ate in silence and when we finished he made the plates disappear into the sink downstairs.

Sleep was tugging at me from every angle until I couldn't keep them open any longer. I feel asleep against Kye's shoulder and saw the light behind my eyelids dim. He shifted and hugged me close.

Days like today made me grateful that it was summer with still another month before school began. I am gonna make the most of the summer time I have left. And Kye is gonna be with me the whole time.

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