Chapter Seven

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Before I opened my window to see Kye, I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face to make sure I was awake. Once I was positive I wasn't going to tumble into another dream, I walked back into my room. Kye was sitting on my bed with a worried expression clouding his stunning features. I smiled a small smile and walked over to him. I hugged him tightly and didn't let go until he did. We pulled apart and he looked at me seriously.

"Are you okay?" concern dripped off each word. "You didn't answer my rocks and I got worried."

I nodded. "I just...was very tired...and had very...interesting dreams..." I said choppily. Something was nagging at me but I couldn't remember what.

Kye Stood and took the one step that was separating us and pressed his arm to my forehead. "Baby, you're burning up," he spoke so softly I wasn't sure if I heard him or read his lips.

But the odd thing was, I felt fine. Never better actually. I cocked my head to the side and saw flames engulfing me slowly; yet it didn't hurt. Even more confused I raised my hands up in front of me and watched in amazement as the flames played against my skin. A smile splayed on my lips as water swirled in a typhoon around my legs. Flowers weaved themselves into my hair and rocks twirled in the air around me. I spun dancing in all this otherworldly glory. Then it hit me like a brick; I was part fey.

I looked to Kye and saw that he was fighting with someone. Shocked I closed my eyes and took deep breaths trying to recall pieces of fey tales that explained how they stopped their magic. In the farthest one from my memory I recalled the faintest bit of help within its words.

"To control their magic so they could blend in," Agogo said when I was three, "the fey would close their eyes and command their power to stay away. Inside their heads they would say, 'Thy power bend to my command and go away for I need to be hidden from the naked eye.' Their powers would go and leave them and they blended in with our society. Even to control their power they had to command it within them..." I didn't try and remember the rest because I needed to stop who ever Kye was fighting with.

I whispered the words in my head and they worked. The water diminished and the rocks dropped to the floor. The fire got absorbed into my skin and I left the flowers in my hair. Electric blue eyes locked with mine and I gasped. Jase was back and he was haunting my dreams. I rubbed my eyes but the blue eyes didn't disappear until Kye punched him straight across the face. Shaking myself free of my surprise, I rushed over to the brawling boys and focused on their hands.

Thy power, send a tendril fire, just hot enough to burn lightly, to wrap around their wrists and end this useless brawl, I spoke in a strict voice inside my head; at first it didn't work so I screamed, you will bend to my command! Then I saw I thin sliver of light wrap around their wrists just like I commanded. Sun kissed skin separated from winter sun tanned skin. They both looked up at me and I softened my gaze. The fire went away as I crouched in front of them and looked each one in the eye.

"One of you explain what the hell just happened," I commanded.

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