Chapter Five

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I'm in Albania now. I've had quite some adventures, of which I shall tell when I return.
You're doing well, I hope?

I look forward to your stories.
Yes, I'm doing just fine. And yourself?
Your father, grandmother, and grandfather were murdered. I'm sorry.
Xo Angelica

Were they? Well, that's too bad. They were Muggles, though. It's not like it wasn't deserved.
I'm doing fine. Are you enjoying your teaching position? You aren't too young?

You can't honestly believe that. Tell me you're joking.
Yes, I'm really enjoying the teaching position. I'm so grateful for the job. I'm glad I didn't have to leave Hogwarts. I love it here. Why would I be too young?
How's your trip? It must be nice.
Xo Angelica

I'm sorry. That was wrong.
I'm glad you like it. Are the children better than when we were there?
My trip has been very nice. I sincerely wish you could have joined me, it's quite lonely.

The children are much better. Merlin, the people we went to school with were horrid.
I wish I could have come, but you can't always have what you want, right? Do I not get any tales of your adventures yet?
I was talking to Dumbledore, and he mentioned that you believe love isn't more powerful than the most powerful magic? I'm afraid I disagree there. Love can conquer anything.

I'd prefer to tell it all in person.
You forget you're talking to someone who's only been loved by one person, and that's you.
Not to debase your love. That isn't what I mean in the least. But if someone were to use the Killing Curse point blank, how could love save the person? It couldn't.
Dumbledore never liked me. I'm sure he still doesn't.

Well, I can't wait to hear your stories. I shouldn't worry, should I?
I love you, Tom, but honestly, do you think before you speak?
Love is the root of all, Tom. Love can accomplish anything.
Have you heard about all of the Muggle slaughters? It's terrible. How could anybody do something like that? That's the antithesis of love.
I know you don't see it the way I do, but I'm sure you at least have some sense of justice and see how it's wrong.

What's a Horcrux?
I had a student ask me the other day, and I couldn't find anything in the library. I was wondering if you knew.

Hey, love. Sorry it took me so long to answer. I'll tell you everything when I see you again, but for now let's just say I was injured. Don't worry, I'm fine now.
No, you shouldn't worry. You know I love nobody but you.
Yes, I've heard about the Muggle killings. What a shame.
A Horcrux is an object in which one who practices Dark Magic puts a part of their soul in order to obtain immortality. Your students really shouldn't be asking something like that. Books about that were removed from the library there because of how bad they were. I wouldn't answer that question if I were you.

"Injured"? What do you mean? It was a bloody year, Tom. What did you do?
You're right, I'm not telling her.
How do you know that, though?
Oh, Tom! Guess what? I got a puppy! (He's not actually a puppy. He's more like a dog. But I'm calling him a puppy). His name's Padfoot, and he's adorable (hence why I've enclosed a picture).
Really, though, Tom. It's been twenty years with only one visit. I miss you. Please come home soon.
Xo Angelica

I know. I didn't mean to be gone this long. I'll be home soon, love. Promise you still love me?
Your dog is very adorable. Padfoot's a lovely name.
By the way, I'd love for a picture of you to be enclosed as well. I miss you too.

I guess once picture can't hurt.
Of course I still love you. Why do you question it? Do you still love me?
Walburga blacked my name out of the family tree in 12 Grimmauld Place. Not that I care or anything, but it's still kind of irritating. But whatever.
Come home soon, love.
Xo Angie

I do love you.
That was kind of funny, though. Their last name's Black and you said she 'blacked' your name out. Just saying. I laughed pretty hard for a good while. I'm sure it was unintentional, but I can still appreciate a good pun.
Why did she Black out your name?

I get the puns, you can stop now. I sincerely regret my careless usage. (Yes, it was a little bit funny).
She blotched it out because of my lack of hatred for Muggles. At least it was for a good cause. I regret nothing.
Xo Angie

I think I might prefer 'she blacked out' over 'she blotched out.' You know, just for future reference. And you admit it's funny, so you can't say you don't love it.

Wanna bet?
I don't love it.
(That was easy and I had fun saying it, just FYI).
Xo Angie

There's that sassiness I've missed so much.
I can't wait to see you again, my love. I love you.

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