Chapter Twenty-One

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I was not okay watching Harry fight a dragon.
Actually, I wasn't okay watching anybody fight a dragon.
They all made it out okay, though. That didn't make me feel much better about it, though.
"Professor Black?" Hermione asked one day.
"Yes?" I looked up from the paper I was reading.
"If, per say, you would have need to breathe under water for an hour, how would you do it?"
"Is this in relation to the Tournament?"
"I wouldn't know. I'll do research." I assured her.

Harry and Ron both looked miserable at the Yule Ball. Hermione seemed to be having a marvelous time, though.
I hear Karkaroff talking to Snape about their Dark Marks getting bolder.
"What if Voldemort comes back?" I asked Minerva. "Like, really comes back."
"We'll have another war on our hands, I suppose."
I confronted Severus about it later.
"What does it mean?" I asked.
"I don't know." He admitted.

"Severus." I said with a big fake smile, walking up to him. He was intimidating Neville Longbottom again. "I need to borrow Mr. Longbottom."
"Thank you." I smiled and led Neville away by the arm.
"Thank you." Neville said.
"Of course." I said.
"Did you need something?"
"Yes. I was wondering, what do you know about gillyweed?"
"Gillyweed! You're right!" He said, and ran off.

I wasn't okay with them diving into the Great Lake either. But they all made it out, as Dumbledore assured me they would. Harry even saved two people.

Aunt Angie,
How has Harry done so far? Is he okay?
What are they saying about Voldemort?

Hey, sweetie. Harry's done just fine. He's in second place too.
I've overheard some people talking about how their Dark Marks are getting darker. They don't know what it means, though.
How are you? I know you never liked that place. Are you doing all right?
Aunt Angie

I watched anxiously as the children were in the maze.
"I assure you, Angelica, they will all be okay." Albus said.
"This is insane." I said.
"It's fine." Moody said. "They'll be fine."
"Potter shouldn't even be in there." Snape spat.
"Well, he is. Get over it." Moody said.
Then Harry and Cedric appeared before us. People started screaming. Minerva, Severus, Moody, Albus and I ran down there. Amos ran down too, yelling some lamentation.
Harry was crying over Cedric's body, but Moody pulled him off and away.
We stood by as Dumbledore tried to calm people down. Severus grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. "That isn't Moody." He hissed.
Snape was using a spell on the imposter and I was trying to comfort Harry when Dumbledore walked in.
Barty Crouch Jr, who supposedly died in Azkaban, had been impersonating him.
"Voldemort, he's back. He killed Cedric. Peter--Peter was there. Peter Pettigrew. He... resurrected him and he's back, Aunt Angie." Harry insisted.
"I believe you." I said. He called me Aunt Angie! I love it. "I believe you sweetie. Here, let's step outside, okay?"
He followed me out. "He can touch me now." He said.
"It's gonna be okay, Harry." I said, hugging him.

Cedric Diggory died. Voldemort killed him.
Aunt Angie

Is he okay? Harry, I mean. Is Harry okay? Are you okay?

He's all right. You know how Lily died protecting him? Well, that caused Voldemort to not be able to touch him, but he can now. With Peter's assistance, Harry's blood was mixed in with whatever it was that brought Voldemort back, and he can touch him now.
Aunt Angie

"Can I have Harry come stay with me?" I asked Dumbledore.
"No. He'll be safer with the Muggles, I'm sure. Perhaps at some point, but it's probably best not to start there."
I nodded.

I need to speak with you. Meet me in the park we used to go to.
~Angelica Black

To berate me, I assume, my dear?

More than that, I assure you.

I waited in the park by myself until a big black dog ran up to me.
"What are you doing?" I demanded.
I followed him into the woods. "Sirius--"
"What are you doing, Aunt Angie?" He demanded, grabbing my arm.
"Just walking." I shrugged.
"In the middle of the night by yourself? You realize that that's how women get raped, right?"
"Sirius, are you parenting me?"
"Yes. Somebody has to."
"Go home. You can't be out here."
"Not unless you come with me."
"Sirius, I need you to go home. You can't be here for this."
"What are you doing, Aunt Angie?" He sighed.
"Something that needs to be done."
"Don't punch Lord Voldemort in the face, Aunt Angie." He pleaded.
"I'll try to refrain myself."
"I'm not leaving."
"You have to."
"I'm not leaving you."
"You don't have a choice."
"Remember the summer of first year, when he came and you made me hide?"
"Yes." How could I forget?
"What if something had happened to you?"
"Then you still would have been safe."
"But I couldn't live with myself."
"Yes you could. You have Harry and Remus now."
"But I wouldn't have you."
"Sirius, sweetie, I need you to go home. Remember how he killed Padfoot just for being there? And Cedric because he was a 'spare'? He's not going to hurt me, but he might hurt you, and I couldn't live with that. Please, go home."
"Aunt Angie, you aren't listening to me--"
"No, I am. You aren't listening to me. As I recall, I raised you, and I'm still boss. Go home. I'll be fine."
He looked at me, a look of mixed anger and worry, but disapparated.
As soon as he was gone, Lord Voldemort appeared. "Angie." He smiled, and it looked terrifying.
"You swore you wouldn't hurt them." I snapped. "You--Peter Pettigrew!" I cut off when I saw the boy among several Death Eaters.
Peter adverted his eyes.
I started crying. "You said you'd leave them alone, Riddle! You swore you wouldn't ask them! As I recall, you had your little whore ask Sirius on multiple occasions--"
"You mistake, my dear. Bella asked them all on multiple occasions. I'm sorry I lied. Wormtail here was the only one to give in, though I did expect it more from your beloved nephew."
Bellatrix looked like she wanted to kill me, but she didn't move. The feeling, of course, was mutual.
"You specifically told me you wouldn't touch any of them, and you killed them."
"I know, and I apologize, but it had to be done."
"Call off your followers and stop being a coward. I want to talk to you alone."
Voldemort waved his hand to dismiss them.
"My lord--" Bellatrix tried.
"Go, Bella." He said.
She disapparated with the others.
He held out his arms. "Well, Angie. We're alone. What now?"
I walked up and punched him. It was far more satisfying than using a spell. His head jerked to the side, but he didn't raise his hands to defend himself. "I suppose I deserve that."
"You killed them." I said. "You killed them mercilessly. You tried to kill a baby."
"I told the silly girl to move, but she refused."
"So, it turns out love is more powerful, huh?"
"Well, no--"
I raised my wand. "What did I tell you I'd do if you touched them?" I smiled.
"You said you'd kill me, my love, but I'm afraid you can't."
"I can sure as hell try--"
"Aunt Angie!" Sirius fucking Black said.
"Crucio." Voldemort said.
Sirius didn't make a sound, but looked quite pained as he dropped to the ground.
"Stop it!" I screamed.
He shrugged indifferently.
"Expelliarmus." I said. His wand flew from his hand and he gave me a surprised look as Sirius stopped squirming.
"You can't beat him, Aunt Angie." Sirius said, rising.
"Do you see what you did to my baby?" I snapped at Voldemort. "Crucio." I hissed.
Voldemort screamed as his body writhed and he fell.
"As I said, Sirius has always been stronger and better than you." I reminded him.
"Aunt Angie, stop." Sirius came over to me.
I stopped. "Not so tough now, are you?" I asked, resting the urge to kick him.
I grabbed Sirius and disapparated.
We got in Grimmauld Place and looked at each other for a good while.
"What?" He finally asked.
"Nobody should have to be that strong." I said softly.
He shrugged. "It's better than the Dementors."
"I'm sorry, Sirius." I started crying again.
"I didn't think you were capable of torture." He said.
"We all have Black somewhere inside."

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