Chapter Seven

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I'm not calling you 'Lord Voldemort.' You are nobody's 'lord,' and nor will you ever be, especially not mine. What the hell is wrong with you?
~Angelica Black

Don't be angry. You needn't call me that. I'm not your lord. You will always have a higher rank than I. I would be offended if you were to call me that.
Your nephew will have started Hogwarts this year, correct? Was he sorted into Slytherin as well?

Lord Voldemort,
I don't want to rank higher than you. I don't want to rank in anything. When did you become a power-hungry ego-maniac?
Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor. I can't imagine what Walburga and Orion will do when he gets home. They sent a Howler, and it was awful. I, for one, am grateful. I wouldn't want him in Slytherin, especially these days. It would be terrible for him. He befriended these cute little boys: James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. They all seem very nice. Remus is the sweetest little thing.
~ Angelica

I take it you're angry with me, and with good reason. Please don't be; I love you.
He would have been better off in Slytherin, my dear. A pureblood like him shouldn't be forced into association with such abominations. It's good that he made friends, though. Who are these boys?

I am angry. You don't love me. I'm starting to doubt that you ever did.
Blood status has no meaning! We're all wizards! We all have magic. It doesn't make anybody better just because their families are into incest! Sirius is eleven, and he's already a better man than you. Does that not tell you anything?
James is so sweet. He really fancies this one first year named Lily Evans. She's friends with a Slytherin: Severus Snape. He and James don't get along very well, and so she wants nothing to do with James. Remus is exceedingly intelligent. He's got all Os, as far as I'm aware. He seems to be very ill, though. Peter's a cute little kid. He's so meek, and it's adorable.
They've gotten in trouble a lot, though. They seem to enjoy pranks. They're actually pretty funny, though.

I'll be home soon.
They sound charming. Severus Snape, what is he like?

When you return, please don't come see me. I'm bringing Sirius home with me at the end of the year. I'm not sending him back to his parents' alone. I don't want you around him.
Severus seems to be nice enough. He's had some rather rude theories about Remus, but otherwise he seems okay.
Lily, though. She's really very smart. It's astounding.

I want to see you, though. It's been ten years. Why don't you want me around him?
What are Snape's rude theories?


"Professor Dumbledore?" I asked, walking into the Headmaster's office.
"Yes, come in." He said amiably. "You needn't call me Professor. We're equals. Call me Albus, please."
"Yes sir." I took a seat as he gestured.
"May I help you?"
"I was wondering. So, you said that Tom Riddle wanted the Defense Against the Dark Arts position immediately after graduating, but Headmaster Dippet said he was too young. How did I get my position?"
"I interceded."
"To prevent me from traveling with Tom?"
"Yes, that would be correct. You were such a lovely girl, and I didn't want you getting mixed up in all of that."
"Thank you." I said, completely honestly.
"Of course."
"Why have you continuously denied him the position?"
"That's a question I've been meaning to ask you."
"Ask me?" I asked.
"Yes. He has no interest in teaching. Do you know why he would want the position?"
"No, I haven't a clue."
"Are you frightened of him?"
"Yes, very." I finally admitted after all of these years. "I didn't used to be, but he's changed so much."
"Do you love him?"
"I loved Tom Riddle. I don't love Lord Voldemort."
"I'm afraid that's his sole identity now."
I had known it, but I hadn't been willing to accept it. Dumbledore saying it made it reality. I started crying. "I know."
"I don't mean to upset you, Angelica. I just want to be sure you're prepared to do what must be done."
"I am."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm positive."

Lord Voldemort,
These killing have to stop. These people have done nothing but oppose you; that isn't a reason to die. I oppose you. Shall you kill me too?
~Angelica Black

I could never hurt you.

"Hold on a moment, Sirius." I said as he and his friends were leaving the Great Hall.
"Is this about the bugs we sent into the girls' dormitories?" James asked, a look of slight panic on his face.
"No, that's Professor McGonagall's job." I smiled.
"Oh, good. Bye, Ms. Black." He and the other two scattered.
"Am I in trouble?" Sirius asked.
"No." I smiled. "I just have a question."
"Yes ma'am?"
"I'm sure you aren't looking forward to going home at the end of the year."
He shook his head, adverting his eyes. "No, I'm not. But I don't mind, I suppose."
"Do you want to come with me?"
"Come with you?"
"Yes. If you want to go home, I can go with you so you don't have to go alone. But I was thinking that, you know, if you wanted to, you could cone stay with me? At least for a little bit?"
"You don't mind?" He looked up at me with his innocent little eyes.
"Not at all. Plus, you know, Padfoot really likes you." I smiled. I felt awkward.
"Can I?" He asked hopefully, then cleared his throat. "I mean, it doesn't matter, but..."
"Of course you can. I asked, didn't I?"
He threw his arms around me. "Thank you, Aunt Angie."
"Of course, sweetheart." I hugged him back, my eyes burning.
"Will you tell my mum?"
As I walked back to my office, my eyes welled with tears. He was eleven. He shouldn't have feelings he feels the need to hide. It was heart breaking.

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