Chapter Sixteen

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I think I should like to work at Hogwarts again. Do you, by any chance, have a position open?

As I said, I'd always have a position for you. Muggle Studies, Study of Ancient Runes, or Arithmancy.

I think I would like Study of Ancient Runes, if that works.

Of course it does. It shall be a pleasure having you back in our world.

So, I quit my job as a banker and returned to Hogwarts.
I eagerly watched the first years enter the hall, waiting to see Harry Potter.
And then I did, and he looked exactly like James. Hagrid reached over and put his hand over mine. I gave him a slight smile, wanting to cry.
There was a scar on Harry's forehead. As he got closer, I saw that his eyes were green, like Lily's.

"Where do you disappear to every month?" Severus Snape, the Potions teacher, asked me.
"To aid an old friend." I answered. "Is that a problem?"
"Not at all. Quirrell is, though. If you want to protect that ungrateful little boy, you should look out for him."
"Thank you, Severus. You truly are a good man."
"No I'm not." He said, and walked away.
Jerk. Maybe he's not wrong.

Harry got detention, along with Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, and Neville Longbottom. Dumbledore sent them into the Forbidden Forest, which I hated, but Hagrid was going to be with them, so that made me feel a bit better.
"Are you kidding me, Albus?" I demanded. "You're sending them into the Forbidden Forest? It's forbidden for a reason! We both know Voldemort--"
"If you should like to accompany them, you may." He said.
I didn't, but I went. I waited with Hagrid.
"I hate this." I said angrily. "This is barbaric--"
"I know, Angie. Dumbledore's orders."
"Dumbledore's a fool!"
"Yes, he is, but he's a wise fool."
"I know."
I sighed as Filtch led them over. I never liked him.
"Jus' tell him who ye are." Hagrid advised me.
"No. He wouldn't understand."
Harry was originally with Hagrid and Hermione, but Malfoy was a little dick, so Neville and Harry switched. I didn't mind. I wanted him in my sight.
We found the unicorn all right.
I put my arms out in front of Harry and Draco, who were on either side of me.
Voldemort looked up and saw us. He came forward. Malfoy screamed like a little girl and ran, Fang, Hagrid's dog, following, but Harry just stepped backwards. I drew my wand, but Firenze, a centaur came and saved the day.
"Thank you." I told him, grabbing Harry.
"Harry Potter. You should not be here." Firenze said.
"Exactly! That's what I said!" I agreed, pissed beyond measure at Dumbledore.
"You should not either, Angelica Black. These are dark times, and he--"
"It was him?" I asked, full of dread.
"Yes, I'm afraid so."
"Come on, Harry." I said, dragging him away. "Thank you, Firenze!"
"Professor Black?" Harry asked.
"That was Him? That was Voldemort?"
"Yes, it appears so. We're getting you out of here."
"Why do you want to protect me?"
"It's my job."
"You stayed. You could have followed Malfoy."
"I knew your parents." I said.
"You did?" He looked up at me.
"Yes. They were wonderful people."

"Professor Black!" Hermione ran into my room without knocking towards the end of the year. "Professor--Oh, there you are. Harry's in trouble! There's a three headed dog, and--"
"Go get Professor Snape and write Professor Dumbledore." I said, and ran from the room.
"Professor Snape?" She called after me.
"Yes, now!"
Luckily, I ran into Minerva. I gestured, and she followed.
The next day, I stood in the Hospital wing as Albus talked to Harry about his mother's sacrifice.
I walked to another bed--the one Remus was in so often--and sat down where they couldn't see me to compose myself.
As Albus left, I went to Harry. "Are you all right?"
He nodded. "Yes ma'am."
"You did very well. That was dangerous, though."
He nodded. "Yes ma'am."
"Just like your father." I smiled. "But you have your mother's eyes."

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