5. First Day!!!

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Emma's POV

I stepped on the road from my cab. I was nervous, quite nervous to shiver. My hand was occupied with my documents. I wore my jeans and a white top with a black waist coat, much formal, yet i felt convinced with my clothes. I saw the big building and the big banner "Collin's Corporation". The building had it's stares so i started towards it. I entered and saw the receptionist. She was good enough to attract people. " Hey! I am Emma Watson, i called you a week before." She looked puzzled so i added "i am here for interview".... " Oh yes" she said smiling. "Welcome ma'am, let me show you the way. By the way, i am Bridget" She got up and started walking, and i followed her to a corridor, the place was excellent. No doubt, i was excited to work here but nervous weather i will be selected. I went into the office where Bridget pointed. I knocked, "come in" the voice seem familiar to me but not recognizable. I entered in, and a smiled passed through my face as I saw him... "Andrew" I said loud... Then my both hands on my mouth "oh! Sorry, Mr. Andrew. How come you are here.... "
Here is the office of our boss ma'am
I remembered Bridget told me
"You are the head here?"I asked, all this time he was grinning.
"Not exactly, my father is the owner of this business, I am chief architect here. My name is Andrew Collins " he said with his deep voice. Stressing his last name "And you are my PA" he declared, though he didn't officially asked me a single question.

Collins's POV

I saw her in the library, she was beautiful. Her eyes with those tears, no... No tears from now. I smiled to myself, I have never been as this. That day in library I saw her scribbling the newspaper, "Hey" I said in a questioning voice. I wanted to say more, ask her why is she crying but my voice betrayed. I found no guts to say more. She saw me, oh! She stared.. my my am I that awesome. Just Kidding. "Hi! Do I know you? Or...?" She asked, "well till now you don't" I grinned. "Can I help you finding a job" I said as I saw in the newspaper. "Oh! No... That.. that is not needed... " She was stammering, confused. "Actually needed" finally admitted when looked into my eyes. I laughed at her cuteness. She saw me confused. "I have a friend in Delhi, he is searching for PA. You can get that job? I will give you address" I said being professional now "yes okay" she replied with smile and I can see her eyes, she was convinced. " My name is Andrew." I gave address and she left.

Back to reality. "Watsy you can talk to my manager he will tell you your work. And you may join from tomorrow." My voice was very much professional except the name I gave her.

That day in the library, I saw her crying, and I decided no more tears. And when I saw her finding job, I knew it's some kind of financial problem. This girl has something different which I never felt with someone else. I feel that moment as the happiest when she smiles.

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