7. Tight schedules

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It has been a whole week, finally tomorrow is Sunday and office's off. Oh! This job is yet hard for me, I need so fucking attentive mind. I don't know from where on Earth  born born such a man like Andrew who keeps working day and night. He doesn't get a second for him, I do get few minutes with Jack and Bridget. They two have become good friends of mine. And this man, that's my boss is so hard working. While he works he won't even make his head move even if I am in his office.
Well? So what if I am in office, I have got mad.
Today is Saturday and as told I have to tell him about the meetings he have in next week. I entered his office for my work. I heard "come in". "Yes Watsy" he never calls my name but today it sounds different, his voice isn't that busy in his work. Oh finally, president got time to look at me, I laughed within my heart but kept my head and eyes straight like professionals, I have learned much in just few days. "Sir there are some meetings for you coming week..." "How many times should I remind you not to call me sir." he left his work, he got up and came near me. His green eyes were making me shiver, I felt frozen on my place. He looked handsome. He shifted his head towards me, he bent a little. "Call me Andrew" I smiled at him "Andrew.... Umm... There are... M-meetings-s " oh hell why m I stammering. I looked down on our shoes, at my hands, my diary, at everything in the room except his eyes. "I know we have meetings. You need to tell where are the meetings, Watsy" he said, now that professional tone was gone and I heard the tone I heard in shimla. He was soft, deep.
I finally managed to tell him and made schedule as per his choice. I was about to open the door to go when he called me. He was still standing. "What are your plans for tomorrow" I was again nervous but I fought it "nothing, just Jack told me about a one room apartment. Going to see it and finalize, then will buy it's stuffs" "you've got to do much work tomorrow" I nodded but he was in deep thoughts, then he suddenly declared out of his thoughts "great I will pick you from guesthouse at 9. We will do that together." I was still staying in the company's guesthouse. "But Andrew, it's fine. I will manage, you have only got this one day" he was grinning and staring at me. For what, I had no clue. "Ms. Emma Watson, I am giving my Sunday to myself only" he said in a very soft voice. And I... I just blushed and nodded, I had nothing in my defence. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was excited now.
I made my way to home. I took a shower and started searching for clothes, I think this is the first time I am thinking in the night what should I wear the next day. I saw one of my dress. It was a nice one, black dress up to my knees, it had collar and it's collar was black and white check. It shows good curves of my body and yet it was quite decent. I decided to wear my black boots with it and make a mess bun. I was happy with my clothes and then I slept waiting for morning.

Collin's POV

I asked to accompany with her for Sunday, I was quite excited for I m going to spend some time with her. I wanted to make it before but work is still important. My dad and I have made this company to raise high. Now we can't make it go down. We have many good projects these days, I was just working on them.

I slept good but my eyes were wide open at five. My excitement was very high so I called her.

Ring* "hello" I was surprised to listen her so energetic voice. "Were you sitting on the phone only?" I quite laughed at her, I knew she was excited. "Hehehe" she giggled. "No just... Why you called at this time?" She asked "why were you awake at this time" I knew why she was but I had to tease her.  "No.. I .. wasn't awake.. uhm .. actually I wasn't being.. able ....to sleep" oh this girl is making me mad, she starts stammering whenever she lies.
"Well I call to tell you that get ready I am coming" I finally told.

"What!!!" She quite shouted on the phone.
"Yes, I have little changes, just get ready" my voice was now commanding, I knew this effects her like a boss and I took advantage of it. But I m laughing inside.
"Okay" she said
My little innocent girl.

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