18. Monday

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So finally it's Monday now, I dressed up as nice and professional as I could and moved towards the college.

When I reached there I was directed towards director sir's office by a lady who is in mid 30s I guess.

I greeted Mr Harsh,
"Without wasting anytime, you will fill this form" he said handing me an admission form, I couldn't believe my eyes. And hence I blurted out my question.
"But sir, how come you came to know about me?"
"Oh yes... Didn't your boss told you, I saw your painting in his office so I made up my mind to make this talent a part of my college"
"Oh I see" was all I could say, I knew it's his influence only.
I filled the form and from tomorrow I have to join class, I am very excited now.
I ran to cab "Collins corporation" instructed the driver. And I reached, I ran to the main building, as soon as the door of lift opened, I could see Andi just infront of my eyes, signing some file with Jack, I ran to him and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his torso "thaaannkkewww" a big thank you came out of my mouth. And I was still hugging him tight.
"Everyone is staring at us" he whispered, and I came to my senses. Whole corridor was filled with the eyes on me, girls had their jealoused eyes. I got a little uncomfortable when Andi pulled me by my waist, "Attention please!!! I would like to introduce you all to my would be wife, Emma Watson, soon to be Emma Collins." I could see love in his eyes, he never called me a girlfriend but always made me feel like an actual wife or soon to be wife. "And today she came here because she was very happy for her special student admission to college of arts" he said while nodding at Jack for something.
"So everyone here mind your words before calling her, just a PA who made me attracted towards her, because she is not just a PA" by this time Jack brought a board covered with white sheet, I guess I know what's in. "She is The Emma Watson" he said while pulling off the sheet, exposing my painting and making everyone surprised.

It was a great moment for me.

Then he told me to sit in his office for some time because he had to finish some work, I kept sitting there for a few hours then in the evening we went together to the park and then dinner.

I was just nine when mum used to recite me the stories where girl gets his prince, after I grew up I realized there is no prince in the real world. Angels exists only on heaven but then Andrew made me believe that human being can also play the role of Angel.
"Mum, see I have my Angel with me"
I have him by my side now the world stands nowhere for me. I just can't loose him, even the mere thought of loosing him brings tears in my eyes. I love him, seriously I do.

"Where have you lost, watsy?"
"Nowhere, just here with you"
We were on the road, staring each other, he was very happy, when I saw him. After these long years I saw him, the devil. And his face was the last I remember clear then something hit me hard and my vision got blur. I had no idea of what is going on, I saw Andi before closing my eyes, I remember his falling body, his white shirt turned to red. He has been blood shot.

2 years later.

Today is my result day. I know it would be good because the men I inspire from is the best. They credit me for the arts I do, but the real credit goes to him, my green eyed pearl.

They say my art predicts pain, how do I tell them my inner self has much more pain than my arts, the pain of separation. The pain love comes with, the pain I can never get used to with but I will always feel it inside.

The last I remember Andrew was bloodshed and I had a blurr vision, I couldn't distinguish anyone. I knew only two men standing there, my hero and villain. I had no other thought then "nothing should happen to him".

The next I remember I saw sun rays coming from the broken window, I looked all around, broken furniture, dust covering every part of that small room. I have been kidnapped, I concluded.

"Emma" Professor called.
I stopped moving, yes I was walking all this time, but I think many would have called me by now,
"Congratulations, Ms Emma Watson"
He seems too happy and I don't know why is he even congratulating me.
"I always knew you would achieve this award" oh my God, I have achieved an award, I so foolish, I am standing blank here. "Award?" I finally gathered up my courage.
"Yes award, of the best Indian artist"
Now I widened my eyes and professor left.
I wish I could tell all this to Andrew.
Tears start rolling up my cheek even when I am too happy, I can no more bear this separation.

Today after complete two years I wanna gather up all my courage to meet him.

I was kidnapped. As soon as I concluded this, I heard sirens, I went in the way, I saw my kidnappers running. The rescue team came to me and again my vision got blur. The next I remember I was with granny in the hospital. As I opened my eyes, the very first sentence I heard was "Alfred James Chancellor, the known name of kerela is now behind the bars and the court has given strict orders of his hanging by tomorrow morning." My heart was at release at this moment.


I came to my senses that I was driving, I am driving towards his place and I am happy after these long two years I will meet him, I had abandoned myself on him because he went through alot because of me.

From the day Alfred came to Collins.

It's morning in the Collins Mension, Mr. Samuel is on the dining table for breakfast, when Andrew comes to him "mom, Dad I have to tell you something important"
"Yes, say?"
"Not here" though they were the only members there but he didn't even wanted workers to hear this.
"Okay let's go to study after breakfast then"

--- In the study----

Alfred made both of them sit then he started...
"Dad, actually... Uhm" he was quiet hesitant though he knew his parents won't react bad over his any move.
"Say it, we are worried now" his mom said, followed by Samuel's nodd.
"Emma? You people met her."
"Yes we did? What about her?" Samuel said grinning. And Andrew blushed at his grin.
"You are getting right, I... I love her dad" he finally spoke it out.
"We knew it the day you made us meet her, now tell what shall we do"
"Dad, she had a family of 5 and now only she is left" he exclaimed.
"Oh! That's a pity"
"I want the criminal pay for his deeds"
Both Mr. And Mrs Collins looked at each other.
"His name is Alfred James Chancellor, I have got his man under me by the power of money, I have made Alfred know that we are finding clues for him"
So, this was what had happened, it wasn't Alfred who got to know about Andrew but Andrew made him know this.
"But why?" Samuel asked.
"Because, I couldn't a proper clue against him, whatsoever I found wasn't enough to hang such a name,
Most probably, Alfred would be coming here to threat you"
Mr. Samuel again looked confused.
"I have made him to threat you, you have to react cool, this way he would confess his cruelties in front of the camera I have put in the drawing room"
So that was the plan.

And it did went the way Andrew wanted it to.

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