Ch. 3

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Ch. 3 Wicked Secrets




When I wake up, I'm in a old and,....Burned House? "Hello?" I manage to say, but my head is pounding and my voice is sore. "So, Your finally awake I see" The woman says, walking out from a pile of ash.

"Who are you?" I ask, unsure If I really want to know.

"I was a friend of your mothers, my whole family was. She gave me orders to fulfill if she ever passes away and you move here. My name is Laura by the way. Sorry I had to meet you this way." she explains to me.

"Well, Laura, how come I've never heard anything about you?" I say, questioning her story.

"Because She didn't want you to know about us, she probably encouraged you to learn about our kind. Your favorite mythical creature probably has something to do with it." She said.

"Werewolves?" I mutter, mostly to myself, since they are my favorite mythical creature.

"Exactly" She says, but she says it odd, like something in her mouth was preventing her speech.  As I look up, I see her facial features have changed extraordinarily. Her eyes are a blood red, she has mini sideburns, and her canines have grown to a point.

"Oh, My, God." I say, as if I'm Gonna scream

"THAT IS WICKED"I Scream excitedly.  "Wait," She says, changing back to her normal self. "Your not Gonna freak out?" She asks, astonished at my calmness.

"Hell no, I think your gift is awesome!" I say excitedly

"I wish I was one" I mutter, barely above a whisper.

"I came to make that happen" She says, a smile evident in her voice.

"Really? How? When? Why?"  I ask, blurting out questions.

"Hold up girly, Your mother gave me instructions to turn you into one of us, if anything bad happens to her. I can change you because-"

"You are an alpha, I would become a beta. Only an alpha can change someone. That's why your eyes are red. Mine would be Yellow-Gold." I say, happy with my knowledge.

"How'd you know all of that?" Laura asks, astonished.

"TV, Books, Common Sense" I say laughing at the end.

"Wow, your mom was right, you do have alpha potential" Laura states.

"Why thank you" I say, bowing like a gentleman.

"No problem, my fair lady" She jokes back. I can tell me and her are going to be good friends.

"So you want the bite?" She asks,

"Of course!" I say back.

"Ok, so I might as well fill you in before I give it to you. Umm, If I die, you will become an omega, until you find a pack. I encourage you go with my brother, he will become an omega as well, because I am his alpha, so are you. Hunters will try to kill you on full moons and If you kill one of theirs'. There aren't any hunters here from what I've picked up, so you should be safe, for now.  You can only become Alpha if you kill one, or if you are a true Alpha, who becomes an Alpha only by character

and his/her decisions. Stay Away From Wolfs bane. I will help train you to have control on the full moon. And your sure you want the bite now?"

"Laura, its been 30 seconds, yes I still want the bite."

"Ok, here it goes" She says, grabbing my arm, goin all wolfy, and biting down. Holy Hell it hurt. I didn't scream though, I wasn't going to show a weakness already. After the bite, I only saw blackness, and I faded into a dreamless sleep.




A/N: Sorry its so short, I didn't know what else to add.


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