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Ch. 11.  Control yo' self bro!


Hannah's POV:

"Mr. Harris, excuse me, but can I steal Mr. McCall for a few minutes?" I ask Mr. Harris, in literally my sweetest voice in the universe.

"Please do, actually" He says, pointing at my stupid Cousin.

"Scott, Here, Now" I bark, giving him a glare, causing literally every person to look at me, and Scotts heartbeat go up.

"Y-Ya" He says, walking out of the class room and closing the door.

I pull him out the back doors, and show him the bloody and torn apart bus.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I scream, causing him to jump because of his new hearing.

"What? You think I did it?" He asks, pointing to himself.

"No, I know you did, I was the other one who saved your ass. The one trying to kill him, was the Alpha, I'm not telling you who he is, but your lucky I was there." I say, looking at him accusingly.

"Your a werewolf too?" He asks, stepping away from me.

"Ya, been one for a long while." I say, taking in the seen.

"Ok, well, I have to get back to class. See you at home." He says, walking away.

"Nope," I say, popping the 'P' "You'll meet me at Derek's first, you have to train Control, I have to train on combat." I say, walking away.

"Ok than" He mutters, walking back to class.


Derek's POV:

"Ok, Scott, I want you to sit down over there, and find an anchor, someone to keep you human. Hannah, Shift" I say, looking at Hannah at the end. I can't control her, but I can tell her what to do, almost, but she doesn't need to know that. She shifts after a few seconds. "Go," I say, while running up to her, and throwing a hook shot at her head. She easily blocks it, and trips me. She straddles me, and grabs my throught. "Dead" She says, just like Laura used to.


Hannah's POV:

"Dead" I say, helping him up.   Just like Laura would always do to me, when she won.

"Derek!" I hear Scott say, jumping from the stairs.

"Do you have a anchor?" He asks, walking up to Scott.

"Ya," Scott says.

"Good, your gonna need it" Derek says, before shifting and going for Scott. Scott fights back, and I play angry birds on my new I-Phone. Derek has a TON of money, so he gave me some.

"Scott! Use Your Anchor!" Derek says. I look up to see Scott kneeling on the ground holding his head.

"SCOTT! GOSH DARNIT THINK OF ALISON!" I scream. He quickly jumps back up. And tackles Derek, also grabbing his neck.

"Ok, Well, We now know who his Anchor is..." I trail off, going back to my game.

"Trainings over, Meet back here tomorrow." Derek says, walking into his house.

"Well, you know who my anchor is... Who's yours?" Scott asks.

"Why do you care?" I ask. There is no way I'm telling him its Stiles.

"Because... It's Stiles Isn't It!!" Scot yells, jumping up and down like a loon.

"N-No!" I say, as a blue jeep stops in front of us. We've been walking along the road for a while.

"Hop in! I'll take you home!" Stiles says.

"Uh-I-I'll Walk, thanks." I say. While walking back into the woods. 

Book 1; Never Ending Spiral  (A Stiles Stilinski FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now