Ch. 7

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Ch. 7: Drunk High Schoolers = Not good to be a 8th Grader.


Hannah's POV:

The Party was great so far. I wore one of those tight to loose dresses. I never really liked them, but It looks really good on me. I had minimal Makeup on, My hair was curled loosely to perfection, and I had black stilettos on. In other words, I looked HOT!


"Hey Lydia!" I say, walking over to her.

"Oh, Hey Hannah!" She says, handing me a drink.

"Cool Party, Love the Dress!" I say. She was wearing a short red dress with a diamond strap across her stomach. She also  had black stilettos on and her hair was in a tight bun.


"Thanks! Well, I got to go, I'll see you around!" She says, while walking away and pushing Jackson against a wall and making out with him furiously. 'Teenagers these days' I say to myself, while walking to a group of girls I met at the mall.  

Holy Crap, she has a pool! Sweetness! This girl is rich!

"Hey Hannah!" Lydia says, calling me over.

"Sup?" I say, walking over to her.

"Meet Jacob!" She says, pointing to a very good looking guy.

"Hi Jacob!" I say, he has blonde shaggy hair, blue eyes, and is somewhat tall. Stiles is still better though. hehe

"Hey." He says, in a cocky voice. 'RED ELERT RED ELERT!' The sirens in my head are going off like crazy. And Me, being the overexagerant person I am, brought my pocket knife with me, so I'm safe...ish. Crap! I almost forgot! I'm a werewolf now, I have claws! TEN POINTS FOR GRIFENDOR! Ya, I'm a HP Fan.

"So," Lydia says, "you two talk and stuff, I'm gonna go find Jackson." She says, leaving me and Jacob alone, ish.

"So, whats up?" I say, not knowing what to say

"Nothing much" He says, he looks behind me, at the door and pulls me towards the foyer,


"Come here," he says, rouchly, OK, Officially scared.

He than pushes his lips against mine, forsing entry. Crap! My first kiss was spent on this Dick? My eyes were open the entire time, as he forces his body against mine. No Sparks, No Fireworks, No Nothing, Just Pure Discust. Enough of this crap, He walks us to the back deck, on top of the pool, and kisses me again. I'm done with this Bull, I push him over the edge into the pool, I give him my favorite finger, and walk away, only to find Stiles and Scott staring at me. Scott in pure discust, and Stiles in pure hurt and discust.


"Guys-" I start, but they are already out the door.

"Well, Shit" I say aloud, and walk around after them. I go to Laura's house, Tears pouring out my eyes.

"Hannah!" She says, hugging me as I sob.

After a few minutes, my cries lessen, "Do you want to tell me what happend?" She asks,

I take a deep breath, and explain everything, to Stiles heartbeat when I looked at him.

"Whats this Dicks name again?" She asks,

"Jacob" I say

"His father took my V-Card, the men in the family are rapists, Stay. Away. From. Him. Do you understand.

"Yes," I say, cowering from her stricktness.

"You can stay at my place tonight, I have some extra clothes you can borrow." She says, leading me to the couch, where I pass out almost instantly.

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