Ch. 8

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Ch. 8, Hale, Peter Hale


Stiles POV:


"Damnit!" I yell, throwing Hannah's stuff around her room.  

I find a glass bird in a case, with her mothers picture next to it. I grab the bird and shatter it across the floor.

"STILES!" Scott screams, as he walks through her door. "What" I ask, confused at his worriedness.

"That was the only thing of her mother she had left." He says, kneeling to the ground. I smirk at her future pain. Scott see's me Smirk,

"get out," he says, "Get Out" A little Louder, "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU SICK BASTARD" He screams. Shit, I've really messed this one up haven't I?

"Fine" Is all I say, as I walk out of his house.  


Hannah's POV:


On my way home, I take in the scent of the werewolf, Its small, very small. I follow the scent, and it leads to the hospital. I walk to the room and see a man in a coma. Half of his face is burned to ash. He has a picture of his family on the side of the bed. I look at the picture, It's the Hale family. Laura is there, so is this man, in front of The Old Hale House. I have to tell Laura.


As I'm Leaving, a nurse comes in front of me, blocking my way out. A Smirk evident on her face. I only see dark, as I get knocked out by her pushing me into the bed.


When I wake up, I look at the clock, 10:00 P.M., Visiting hours are over...Crap. As I look around, I see I'm tied to a bed, as if I were mental. The same nurse comes in, with the man behind her.

"How?" I ask, curious as to how he is up and walking.

"I've been out of that coma for a long time sweetheart" He says.

"Who are you?" I ask, knowing he was part of the hale family. He couldn't be Laura's Brother.... He's in Virginia.

"Peter, Hale" He says, walking to a mirror, and fixing his scares.

"Well, Peter, Hale, Why am I here?" I ask, getting more furious every second. I look down and realize the metal has wolfs bane surrouding it. Crap.

"Because, you would have told Laura, and I don't want that to happen." He says, walking over to a smoke fog thing that children use for asthma.

"Mary, would you turn this on when I get into my room." He says to the nurse while making his scar reappear and walking out. Once his door closes, Mary, turns on the thing, and walks out the room as it pumps something to the air. Wolfsbane, Crap.

"AAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUWWWWWWW" I howl, signaling Laura to help me.

"That's not Possible!" Peter says, while walking into my trap, full of wolfs bane.

"You were bit two days ago! You shouldn't be able to howl yet, let alone signal." He says while chocking on the Wolfs bane. He runs out, leaving me to hope Laura heard me.


Seconds later, Laura bursts through, takes in what's hapining, and yanks me out, as soon as I pass out.



A/N: Ya ya ya, Short chapter I know. Idk what more to add.

Next chapter coming later today though!


Book 1; Never Ending Spiral  (A Stiles Stilinski FanFiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant