Chapter One

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Welcome to my world, it’s dark and twisted. There are ghouls, ghost, vampires, witches werewolves, and every evil creature in between. At every turn you’re filled with horror. There is no sun, no color or happiness. Strange world for an angel right? There’s terror and mischief, no one here is safe. I live in this small strange and deadly world. In a little cottage that’s just right for me. If there were colors in this world it would be bright, hopefully and beautiful. It’s built like an old fashion log cabin, there a sweet vines growing up the sides, giving it a homely feel. It has windows with frilly curtains hanging in them. It’s so full of life in a world made for the dead, to bad everything is just a different shade or grey or black.

 The only thing in this whole place that has color are my eyes, they are a bright blue, an ocean blue I think, but no one here knows that. I have to wear black contacts for my safety; otherwise they will all come after me. What I wouldn’t give to live in your bright colorful world, were people don’t always live in fear. Well that’s a lie; someone out there is always living in fear, but still.

It’s been years since I left this place, I’ve had to stay put in this lovely house of mine. If I left and something followed me, I don’t even want to know what would happen. If only there was some way out, some way to meet someone who wants love and peaces as much as I do. But that’s impossible; this world was made for fighting and cruelty.

 Poor silly people who want to be an angel, poor hopeless people who believe that after they die they go to some happy place where everyone gets along. They only will be disappointed, but then again maybe there are other worlds that I don’t know about. Oh right, I should probably tell you my name, I’m Mari Taylor but if I had friends they would call me Storm. I personally hate my name, it’s so plain.

 I’m sixteen years old, but it feels like I’m much older maybe it’s just because time here seems to go by so slowly. One day feels like a century. To make matters worse there is no difference between night and day. It’s like a guessing game, no one can ever be sure of the time. Unless they have some sort of clock. But then again who knows what they have out now, probably a lot of new stuff I will never see. Who knows there might be something out there that could take the curl out of my hair, what I wouldn’t do for that.

You see my hair is fine, but there is lots of it. It’s dark and curly, but the curls never flow no matter what I do. It seemed to change shades often; sometimes it was light and other times darker than ever and sometimes both. Not that it matters because no one will ever see it, but you know just in case they find me I would like to look nice. Maybe if I look nice they wouldn’t harm me, or maybe the bigger reason is that I’m looking for someone who will love me.

 Even if everyone here thinks it’s a myth I don’t, and I told them so myself before I went into hiding. But there is no one else like me, and if there is they are afraid to stand up for what they believe. Though I’m not really doing that either. There’s really nothing for me here and I just don’t understand, why am I here. Why am I not with happier people? People who think like I do. There must be some reason, it’s just not normal. But who am I to question why am here? It’s not my place to decide. But just being here made me feel empty, like it was drain my soul. Hope seems so far away.

 No one even knows I’m alive, or cares if I am or not. I’ll never find anyone like me, but I won’t give up. I believe that there is someone out there for everyone, but me. I’m probably asking for too much, a nice looking guy who is like me in just about every way. One that knows what he believes and doesn’t care what others think about him. One that see’s things the way I do, my other half. I dream about him every night, I watch as he whispers sweet nothings in my ears. I see myself silently laughing, everything bright and colorful.

 But never once have I heard him, hear his sweet voice as he sings to me on that distant hill. The sun setting in the back ground. I see the way our fingers perfectly intertwine, I’ve seen our lips met and watch as the sparks flew. I’ve fallen in love with my own fantasy guy, one that I will never meet, never hear, and never hold near. I’ll never fully know what it’s like to be in his arms, never be able to taste the sweet taste of his lips. He wasn’t real, he couldn’t be. I was just imagining what I wished was real.

Dreams never do come true, at least not for me. But every night without fault I see him, we go on another date. Live the mystery of love, finding our other halves. Every morning at exactly six o’clock I say farewell for now, and think about how much I wanted this to be true. Think about what will happen next time. I slip through the day in a daze, with this fake man invading my every thought. I imagine what our lives would be like together. If only he was really here.

Hey everyone I hope you enjoy the start of my new story. It's a little bit different from my others but it's one of my favorites. Anyway check in next sunday for an update, since this story might start off a little bit slow. it gets better i promise :P

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