Cjapter Six

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I knew my prince charming wasn’t going to come, at least not anytime soon.  I had no hope they would, I mean sure I had dreams about it. But in reality dreams are just dreams, they don’t mean anything. At least not anything that could be life changing. I suppose they could show your hopes and your fears. In a case like this my dreams show what I hope for, but not what will happen.

 Dreams don’t show the truth of a situation, they show the hopeful mask-the lie. They show what we wish to see, but not what we should and will eventually see. The world is cruel, God is cruel. And there’s nothing that can be done about it. I have to live for all eternity might as well get use to it. I mean I doubt anything will change anytime soon. No one knows where I live. No one even knows that this little cottage exists. But if they could see colors instead of black and white they would know.

 It’s easy to spot it’s out line from the forest. Besides it’s not that far from the center of town, only about a mile. Which means they should have found and killed me by now. But they haven’t. They are probably just playing mind games with me. Or perhaps during their mind games they have forgotten about me. But there is no way they haven’t found this place yet.

I mean I practically have a death wish for staying this close to town. But I couldn’t leave it behind; after all it is my home. I did spend most of my growing up time here. Even with all of its faults I love this place. Home is home no matter how much of it you hate, or disagree with. Part of you will always belong there. You can try and change who you are and where you came from but you’ll just become a lie. There is a reason that you came from the place you did. It was made to shape you, your thoughts and your life. Running away from it is like running away from who you truly are. Something will eventually either draw you back or force you back to who you are and where you came from. There is no way to escape the fate that you were born into.

 It’s time that I head back to the world I came from; it’s time to face my fate and my death. I know I was meant for greater things then just another kid they kill but there is no way to avoid this. It’s better to face death unafraid then to be cowardly and hideaway for years. Sooner or later they will find me; sooner or later I will die.

 It’s easier to get it over with now, that way I will be sent back here sooner to try and fix what I couldn’t manage to fix this time. But by avoiding this I’m not solving anything, this problem can’t just be ignored, I see that now. It needs to be acted on as soon as it can be, before more innocent blood is spilt.

 I don’t exactly know who I was supposed to fall in love with but whoever they are I feel bad for them. Certainly they will have some sort of reaction. I’m just hoping it won’t cause them to get banished. No matter what happens to me I hope that they stay strong and keeping living the way they always have.

To be hunted isn’t fun; I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. Not even the darkest unbreakable souls here. I looked around my cabin one last time, it would be easy to stay here and chicken out. I won’t lie and say I didn’t think about it. Because I did. But I’m done living the life of a coward it’s time for me to face everything I have to.

 Maybe if I’m lucky this will be how my mission is meant to be accomplished. I stepped outside of the place I’ve been hiding for a few years now. Or at least I would have imagined it was a few years. You lose track of time when you are stuck hiding.

 I became hyper aware of everything around me. I wanted to make it into town before I died, I wanted to beg and plead to everyone that there are colors out there you just have to look for them. And that love does exist; you just have to search for it inside yourself. I wanted to let them know that any type of change that would happen here had to start with them. If they wanted this to be a better place for their children and those who get trapped here.

The leaves rustled as I walked. I had a strong sense I was heading in someone’s directions but as I tried to change course I ran into someone. The last thing I remember was hitting my head off of a tree. I guess some wishes don’t come true after all. That was my last thought before darkness took over my mind.




Hey guys,

I have the option now to start uploading on saturdays again, so comment or message me letting me know if you want quicer updates. and yeah i hope you enjoy this chapter even though it's really short, but don't worry the next few are longer and better since they were written more recently and i've edited a little bit of them here and there.

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