Chapter seven

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I was searching for my angel when I ran into someone. I panicked of course. They fell over and hit their head off for something. I wasn’t too sure what because there where black spots in my vision. Looking down I finally cleared my vision only to see the one I was looking for.

I searched around me for her place of hiding when I spotted something odd in-between two trees. I sighed picking her up gently before walking off. There was no way I was letting her slip away from me this time. I walked for only a few minutes before I came across a log cabin. It was beautiful.

There where vines up and down most of the walls with flowers in full bloom. No wonder no one had found it yet. I mean it was really close to town. To close for my liking but I have to admit it was welling hidden. Otherwise she would have been dead meat.

 I wonder what she was doing running around in the forest, I mean it could have been anyone around here that she could have ran into. Luckily it was me, but seriously it could have been someone who would have killed her. I sighed laying her down on the bed I found. I tucked her in lightly before kissing her forehead.

 She was just so beautiful; I couldn’t imagine loving anyone else. She was just so perfect in every way, at least to me. I looked outside and noticed I still had some time before the sun set.

 If I got back to town people would just think I went for a walk. I looked back down at my love and sighed. I wouldn’t be here when she woke up. I hope she doesn’t go running around again. She needs to stay here and be safe. I walked around her house looking for some type of clue to why she would leave. But I couldn’t find anything.

 She had plenty of food and drinks. She also had a lot of books, most of them love stories. I couldn’t see any sign that there had been an attack here. I figured it was still safe for her to be here.

 I looked around the room one more time. I spotted some blank paper I picked up a sheet and stared at it blankly for a minute. I decide I would leave her a note, I mean it was the least I could do after running into her and knocking her out.

 Dear Alessandra,

 I’m terribly sorry about running into you earlier on today. I hope you’re doing okay by the time you read this. You shouldn’t be wandering around in the forest; god only knows what could happen. I really don’t want you to die. It would tear me apart. I love you. I’ll come check on you soon, my love. No need to fret. I just hope you are still in this location when I come back. Either way I’m leaving you a necklace that belonged to my grandma. She told me that her husband gave it to her in order to show his love. It’s handmade. I hope you like it.

 Until later,


 I headed back to where her room was. I left the note on her bedside table, I truly hope she remembers me; we were good friends back in the days before she went missing. That’s when I realized I loved her. I always thought that she was still around but everyone tried to convince me that she died and I needed a wife.

But I wouldn’t let it go; I would know if she was dead. Fate had brought us back together today. At least now she knows how I feel about her. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the necklace my grandfather had made. He spent years collecting buttons that looked alike for her. He could see the colors and so could she. Others didn’t understand why he only used certain ones.

Luckily I can see colors and I know Alessandra can to; just by the way her home is styled. Everything matches. I looked at the necklace in my hand one last time before clasping it around her neck. I stayed there for a few more minutes, studying the way it looked on her. It seemed so right for her to have it.

I kissed her forehead again before walking out the door. I hope she follows my advice and stays inside I would hate to lose her. I knew that at sunrise tomorrow I would head back out here to check up on her. To make sure she was safe and hopefully be able to say exactly how I feel for her.

 Tomorrow would defiantly be a night I would look forward to and hopefully remember forever. As I walked back home I tried to memorize the trees and flowers so I wouldn’t take too long to get to her. In one days time I might finally have my love on my side.

Okay i know i know that this was supposed to be out yesterday but i slept just about all day and had to try rushing through a math project so i put this off until today. I'm sorry to have let you guys down


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