Chapter Nine

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Okay okay I know this is out later than normal but i woke up thinking I already wrote the chapter to find out I didn't and I have a major project due on wednesday that i knind of just started so I worked on that for awhile and then wrote this, but on the bright side I didn't have to rush and as a result I'm almost positive that this chapter is longer than normal. So on that note.

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The sunrise was a beautiful mix of orange and pink that lingered in the sky for quite some time. It helped make my walk through the forest pleasant and peaceful. I found myself staring at the sky walking the path I memorized on my journey home last night. I was at ease and a bundle of nerves; I didn’t know how I was going to profess my love to Alessandra. I would stutter and mumble like the idiot I am no doubt, which is never really attractive. I really should have thought this through.

I guess I would just say it straight out, it would go something like this.

“Alessandra, it’s me Phoenix, I know you probably don’t remember me but I’ve loved you since I first laid eyes on you. I was just to afraid to do anything but now I would do anything to have the chance to be with you. Even if it meant never going back or having to face my death I would just for a few short moments of being with you.” I would bravely say, trying not to stammer and make myself look like a fool. And in my perfect world she would throw herself into my arms telling me that she always remembered me and she loved me too.

In reality she would probably just look at me like I was some creeper and beg me to leave her alone, something I probably wouldn’t do now that I found her.

 She might think it was weird at first but eventually she would get used to me being around and maybe even start to accept me as she got to know me and hopefully she would one day fall in love with me too. If we didn’t get killed first or if she didn’t kill me first which was quite possible now that I think of it, I mean I would do something like that if I thought I had a psychopath after me.

My confidence faltered a little bit at this thought, could I really end up scaring her away? That was the last thing I wanted to do. I was almost one fourth of the way there and my previously fast pace slowed down to a casual stroll as I contemplated the situation. I knew I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing about my feelings but at the same time scaring her away wouldn’t help either. Maybe I could just keep it kind of simple and be her friend first and after she gets to know me drop the whole love bomb. But then again I already did sign her letter with love Phoenix, god I’m an idiot. Why don’t I ever think things like this through?  Well either way idiot or not I had to go and see her, I already said I would, but I should take my time she might just be waking up and I don’t want to scare her.

I was walking along the path trying not to leave any indentations behind me so that the hunters wouldn’t notice. The orange and pink of the sunrise had long since passed and I was still trudging on staring here and there at a patch of flowers thinking of how sweet it would be to pick some for her. But that would only leave a sign for the hunters that someone is out here and they would start tracking Alessandra again and I would have lead a path straight to her death. That was something I really didn’t want to be responsible for.

I absent mindly stopped and stared at some particularly beautiful flowers, my desire to do something sweet and romantic for her generally increasing by a lot but my fear still held me back. In a perfect world I would be able to bring her flowers, kiss her in public, hold her and whisper sweet nothing in her ear all day but here all of that meant death. Death was something I didn’t want to go through again, the first time had been bad enough considering I had been brutally murdered from what I remember and to be honest being murdered twice just didn’t do it for me. Call me a chicken but if you were in my shoes you would do the same thing.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a nearby rustling of a bush, my body went on high alert this couldn’t be a good thing. I turned my head to see a burly looking demon, who was undoubtedly a hunter and a good one at that, walking towards me. His smile was sickening; he looked really pleased about something, that something of course was me. I was obviously caught doing something that look like running away, which was partly true but he didn’t need to know that. To make it worse it looked like I knew where I was going which meant he probably figured I was going to see something and he was joyfully waiting to be able to kill both of us.

The closer he got the more nervous I became; I didn’t function well under pressure. “Well well well what do we have here? A runaway perhaps?” his deep dark voice said and sadly echoed in the emptiness. Of course that made him even more intimidating, I mean besides the fact the he’s about six five and two hundred pounds of pure muscle and could certainly beat me to a pulp with ease and of course I stammered and stumble over my word.

“ I was just um going for a walk sir, you see um I have some um trouble sleeping um sometimes and um I thought I walk would um help exhaust me to the point of sleep” I stammered lamely. Not a single word of what I had said sounded believable and I knew he wasn’t going to buy into it no matter what. He was unfortunately was brains and muscle, which was even more intimidating. I was him mark the spot we were at and cried no inside my head, I was frozen with fear, what if they found her? And how could I possible warn her when I won’t be seeing her. I was still frozen in fear when I took the first blow to the head, it was hard and heavy my vision was already swarming with darkness, a few blows later and I was out surrounded by a darkness that thought nothing of my cowardly silent protesting.

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