Chapter ten

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The land was covered in white but it was quickly filling with red and I was stuck in the center watching this transformation. Something bad was happening, I knew it was but I couldn’t move and snap out of this for my life. It was like something was holding me back and forcing me to watch as if this was important to my goal. But how would watching something innocent turn so impure help me?

I stood watching the land change in wonder, maybe this was a sign of something to come. Or I was looking into my dream to much. The red was approaching me suddenly at a faster rate, I felt myself trying to run but I couldn’t get the will power to move. Somehow the white land becoming drenched in red was beautiful it was like an art that I could watch but couldn’t fully understand. The more I stared at it the less I was willing to leave. I became absorbed in my dream.

Hours passed and I continued to watch the land change color, every aspect of it was getting darker and more evil. It was fascinating really I was slowly becoming addicted to the scene in front of me. The red was getting darker as more of it soaked into the once white landscape; the evil of the world was taking over the innocence of my heart.

More hours passed and the deep red was slowly turning into a black and the tree started to rot away before my eyes. My fascination was turning into fear quickly and the urge to run started to return but my feet stayed rooted in place. I was being forced to watch this whether I like it or not. Branches started to snap off and crash around me, every now and then one crashed onto my head and my vision was obscured. Soon the black spots became permanent and as more branches hit my head they became a blanket over my eyes coving my world in blackness.

Though my world was black I could still hear the branches crashing around me and feel them hitting me anywhere and everywhere at any angle they could. My body took the pain surprisingly well and I didn’t start going numb for many hours after I lost my vision. As I went numb I felt myself slowly crash into the ground and completely black out and leave my dream world just like I left the world I lived in.

The first thing I saw was the red of the sun bleeding though my eyelids, which was actually quite terrifying really considering I had left at sunrise and was quite certain I had slept for over a day. Which meant I had been vulnerable to attacks from the hunter for at least twenty-four hours and I could feel the aching all over my body. The hunter had gotten me and gotten me good since I couldn’t fight back or resist in anyway. I probably had a few broken bones and too many bruise to count, my guess is that was to make sure I didn’t try to run away.

Of course I would have tried if I hadn’t been injured but considering current circumstances I was better off just laying low and trying to protect Alessandra. I would not let my mistake under any circumstance cause her any type of pain. I don’t care how much they hurt me I wouldn’t sell her out she was more important than I was anyway. She had something I would never have, bravery and because of her bravery she had a purpose of some sort I couldn’t explain. I just knew that she did something inside my heart whispered to me and I knew for sure that protecting her was more important than protecting me. I mean what good would it be if I got us both killed, it was better if it was just me.

I mean death couldn’t be as bad the second time, I knew what was coming and I knew if I didn’t struggle it wouldn’t hurt as much. I would just sit here and take it and let death in with open arms because this time I was getting murdered for a good cause. I was dying to save the love of my life, the most beautiful angel around because she had something to accomplish. She had people to save and influence, she was here to start a revolution and I knew that I would see her in another life.

The hunter that had captured me in the forest entered the room with two other guys who were surprisingly bigger than him. Previously I would have said that was impossible but as I looked at them from my broken position on the ground I knew it was true, I just hope these guys never found Alessandra. They wouldn’t give her mercy just because she was a girl nor because she was an angel. They would be every bit as brutal with her as they were with me; if not more because they would be angry it took so long to find her.

As they got closer I bite back any stupid remarks I was about to make, somehow I feared they would lead back to Alessandra and it was better if they thought that she was dead. It would save a lot of trouble and besides they would enjoy my panic and I didn’t want them to enjoy themselves in any way shape or form. I planned on making this the most boring killing they’ve ever done. I wouldn’t even scream as they finished me off.

I kept a straight faces as they got right in front of me and didn’t let out a sound as they kicked me in the stomach. The first hit was the worst it hit me like, well like nothing I had ever felt before to say the least. Death hadn’t been a pleasant experience for me last time but I had a feeling that this would be worse.

The hunters didn’t let up as they kicked me and every now and then threw in a punch. I never knew what was coming next but I didn’t utter a sound. They seemed to be annoyed by this and the power of their hits increased. Still I refused to make any noises, to whimper or beg to live. They wouldn’t get any satisfaction from killing me. The more annoyed they got the harder they hit and my vision began to go haywire. I let it and I welcomed the comfort of another black world where nothing could harm me but dreams and thoughts. Though at the rate they were going I wouldn’t have thoughts much longer, soon I would be dead, again.

Happy Easter everyone :) Hope it was a good one. This chapter goes out to Iplantofan i believe seeing as she is my most recent fan and i'm really hoping i didn't accidently skip anyone, if i did let me know. Anyway i know you all probably hate me for doing this and leaving you hanging like this not actually knowing if he's dead of not but i had to it was so tempting xP anyway i hope you enjoy and I'm update next sunday.

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