Chapter four

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Here is the thing about leaving without really preparing yourself, you get lost easily. Once you are lost there is no way back. Not that there really was because I would be killed if I went back. But I never thought that in just a matter of minutes I would be surrounded by tree that all look the same.


Even though I can see colors I can’t tell the difference between anything out here. How in the world did she make it out alive? They must have watched her every move, she was their prey. They are hunters nothing escapes them. Well except of course apparently her. I need to get myself together and find out where I am going.


There has to be an easier way to find her, some sort of path or something. I just need to get away from all of these trees; I need to get somewhere grassier. Because when you walk through grass it never stays the same. It’ always slightly bent. But then again I would just be leading them to her and they would have already found her.


 God am I stupid sometimes. There has to be some hint of her somewhere. There is no way she escaped without any sort of trace. I had to find her, this was important. She needed to know how I felt about her. Scratch that how I still feel about her. I need to tell her I love her, I’ve postponed this for much too long.


 She has to love me back, she just has to. I swear I can feel it in my bones. She totally loves me she always has, I think. Well I’m not really sure I mean I’ve never loved another person before and well I guess that means I really don’t know what I am doing. Maybe this whole going after her because I love her oh so much wasn’t such a good idea.


Maybe I should just leave her alone. I mean if I do find her she will probably kill me, but I already told you that. There has to be a way around this. I mean if I love her like I think I do then she has to love me back right? Man I should have done more on Earth I shouldn’t have just married for money, and then I would know something about love. But at the time I didn’t care all that ever mattered to me was money. Man I was such a jackass no wonder I got sent down here instead of up in heaven.


Why didn’t I think of this stuff when I was alive? I mean I can’t even say I’m proud of the life I lived, really I’m embarrassed about it. Well at least I’m getting a second chance at love, sort of. I mean it’s not really a chance; it might just be a false hope. But then again it could be real.


 I mean I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her or watching her, up until she got shunned that is. You know they have a word for this on Earth now I believe. I think it’s called a stalker and boy do I probably sound like one of those right now. But really I’m just a hopeless romantic, I promise.


I mean it’s not like a spent all my time staring through her window, just a good portion of it. I wonder if that is still considered stalking, I doubt it. I mean what else are you suppose to do, talk to them or something. I mean that is just way too complicated.


 First off you have to get her attention, and then you have to find something to talk about and keep her interest. I mean talk about hard, what do girls even like to talk about? Do girls even like it when random guys start talking to them? No, that is probably considered stalking, or this other thing called being a creep. I sure hope I’m not one of those either. Even though I’m going to find this girl I love but have never met after she was shunned. Okay well I know that it sounds bad but it make perfect sense, I mean you would too, if you were in my shoes. Right?




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