Chapter eight

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I woke up to a strange pounding in my head; I couldn’t remember where I was or what had happened to me. Panic began to overtake my body; I went stiff and listened for any type of movement thankfully there was none. I began to relax but something still felt off, something that wasn’t supposed to be here was. I tried to recall what I had been doing before I went to bed.

 For some reason I don’t remember going to bed or even being home for that matter. I remember having left my house and then nothing. I slowly began to get up to investigate being careful of my head. Something began to rattle quietly, I froze immediately and the rattling stopped. I began to move again and the rattling came back, it was strange really I couldn’t figure out where this noise was coming from. It sounded close to me but I couldn’t locate exactly where it was coming from. When I finally sat up I felt a weird type of pressure shift on my neck, it was almost ticklish.

My panic can back instantly there was something around my neck, something that could possibly kill me if I made on wrong move. My whole body went rigid and my eyes bulged out of my head. Somehow someone had found my hid out, I could be ambushed at anytime, I needed to get out of here and I needed to get out of here now. I was no longer safe.

But I couldn’t move from my spot, I was held by the thing around my neck and the fear that people were out there waiting for me. Even if I made it pasted this trap there was no way to leave this situation alive. I was too late in trying to help these people; I failed before I even began. I would have to start all over again when I got back, if I came back. Maybe god would send me somewhere else, somewhere possibly worse because I failed everyone. Or Maybe I just wouldn’t come back at all; maybe I would be permanently dead.

But just sitting here wouldn’t do anything eventually they would come in to check on me to make sure I was dead. So it was really just a matter of time before I died and I’d rather not waste my last few hours sitting here wondering what’s around my neck and when they are going to come make sure I’m dead.

I slowly moved my hand up towards my neck being conscious of not moving too much so I didn’t accidently trigger something. The closer my hand got the move nervous I got, this could be the end of me. I could die any second now, alone with no one who cares about me around. Not that there’s anyone left who would care about me, a side effect of seeing colors and feeling love I suppose.

Most people would think it’s a gift but it’s more of a curse. Because I can see color, hear music and feel love I’ve lost everything, my family, friend, my home and most of all my freedom. In reality I’ve lost life and received death, I would give it all up just to be with everyone again. It’s not worth having these things really.

My hand drew closer to my neck; so far nothing had gone off. My fingers lightly brushed up against something, I lightly lifted my hand and grabbed at the object. Much to my surprise the object wouldn’t move off of my neck, it was tied around it, which confused me. It also confused me that nothing had been triggered.

With a sudden burst of courage I slowly sat up straight, again nothing happened. I looked around my room confused, I could tell that something was wrong I just couldn’t pin point it. I decided it was safe to climb out of my bed and search around my room a little bit, so far nothing had happened and I doubted anything out happen now.

I walked around the room trying to determine what was out of place, the thing around my neck temporarily forgotten. I searched the boarders of the room first, so far everything seemed normal, until I spotted a piece of paper on my bedside table. I hadn’t remembered leaving on there. I picked up the small scrap to find a note. I took a deep breath and started to read.

Dear Alessandra,

 I’m terribly sorry about running into you earlier on today. I hope you’re doing okay by the time you read this. You shouldn’t be wandering around in the forest; god only knows what could happen. I really don’t want you to die. It would tear me apart. I love you. I’ll come check on you soon, my love. No need to fret. I just hope you are still in this location when I come back. Either way I’m leaving you a necklace that belonged to my grandma. She told me that her husband gave it to her in order to show his love. It’s handmade. I hope you like it.

 Until later,


Phoenix that name sounded familiar but I couldn’t place where I had heard it before. I tried to search my memory but I came up short, I couldn’t think of anyone I had known with that name. But that could also be because my head had started to pound, I guess when he said running into he meant literally. I can only assume it was quite the collision from the pounding in my head and the slight ache in my lower back.

I looked over the letter again smiling slightly to myself. This guy seemed sweet, even though I thought the necklace was some sort of death trap. I walked over to my mirror and took in the appearance of the necklace. It was an array of blue and green buttons on a short thick chain, it was breathtaking. Obviously whoever made it could see colors maybe that meant phoenix could too? It would be nice to have someone to relate to for once.

I laid back down and felt my eyes getting heavy, I hoped to sleep off this headache and be awake for when this phoenix character arrived. I was really looking forward to meeting him. I would defiantly have to thank him for the necklace. My eyes drifted shut and a world of black took over my mind.

in case you aren't visual heres a picture that looks like the necklace.

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