Are You Listening?

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I paced around my small white padded room.

"Why I'm I not out yet?" I thought to myself, possibly in my head or possibly out loud. I was about ready to tear my hair out by the time the small slot under the door opened. I'm slid a small tray of food consisting of a ham sandwich, potato chips, milk and- fuck yeah- pudding.

I pushed the small tray to the side and peeked under the door. "Can I come out yet?" I wined. I can actually be quite convincing. I love to guilt trip people.

I'm actually pretty sadistic if you think about it. It's somehow amusing to me- hurting people I mean- because I love to test the human mind. It's interesting how easily people can break.

I know it sounds looney, trust me, but haven't you ever thought that too? Haven't you ever thought why you, yourself, are so fragile?

I used to. Not anymore, though. I'm a tough cookie.

The large metal door creaked opened, revealing a very pissed off Maya on the other side.
I chuckled and waved at my psychiatrist.

"Hey cinco de Maya! Long time no see!" I said, sweeping my greasy black  hair out of my eyes.

"For the last time, Gerard.." Maya started while cleaning her small metal glasses with the bottom of her lab coat. "My name is Doctor Howell."

"Well Doctor Howell, you don't seem very happy to see me." I pouted.

She slipped out a small smile but covered it up very quickly. "No time for games Gerard. Let's get you showered up and dressed."

I made a face. "Aw but I didn't get to eat my pudding..." I complained.

"Take it with you then.." Howell sighed. "But shower first. You reek."

I smirked at her wording. Although Maya was almost forty, she seemed to adapt and get along  with all of her patients. Including me, I suppose. I actually didn't hate her.

Rob on the other hand, could suck my bootyhole. He's the guy that I happened to have the opportunity of breaking his face with a chair.


As soon as Maya brought me too the showers, I began to strip off my clothes and turn on the hot water. I've always enjoyed the feeling of water burning my skin off while taking a shower. It's comforting.

Of course, the highest degree that the showers went to was ninety five degrees (or thirty five for my non Americans. Stupid Americans and their stupid metric system.) so that patients couldn't burn themselves.

I let the warm water spew over my back and onto the floor, enjoying my few moments of peace. I then grabbed the shampoo and lathered it through my hair, making sure to keep my eyes shut so that I wouldn't be blinded forever. It made me wonder, do people actually go blind when they get soap in their eyes? Hm..

I quickly finished my showerly routine and dried myself off with a nice warm towel. Ahhhh the luxury of staying in a very expensive mental institution. I soon pulled on a fresh pair of boxers and a pair of light blue pants. I hadn't bothered with the shirt yet. I'll do that when I get to my room. That's how I've always done it anyways.

I made sure that I grabbed my cup of pudding before I slipped into the hallway, well aware that Maya was trailing a few feet behind me. I didn't bother to stop and look at her, if she needed to tell me anything, I was all ears.

Are You Hearing Voices Again? [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now