Chapter 11

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"Just a clarification. To make my uploads seem a bit less confusing, I've decided to change up my formatting a bit.

If a chapter is marked "COMPLETE", then it is...obviously a complete chapter.

If a chapter is marked "ONGOING", (like this one) then I've only posted a half of this chapter, and you should check back in a few weeks to see if I've uploaded again, marking it "COMPLETE".

Thanks for understanding :D and here's your half of the chapter."

EDIT: ^^^^that stuff up there? Today I'm removing all that junk. This story is going to be updated like any other story. ~4/9/14

The crowd shifted uneasily, and tension came down in thick waves, engulfing each cat in their own anxiety. Birdpaw scuffed her paws in the dirt, and she felt Goldpaw beside her, fur bristling. Hazelpaw simply stared up at Hailstar.

"Each of us three leaders have received a different yet similar sign from Starclan." Hailstar's meow jolted everyone back to attention. "Sunstar has met with with the ancient leaders-"

There were gasps.

"-leaders," Hailstar continued, "and they have given him warnings of what is to come. Velvetstar has received a vision of the future, and I have dreamt of a prophecy."

Now the clearning buzzed with the voices of many cats, each sharing their own opinions and fears with their clanmates and friends.

"Silence!" Velvetstar barked. Everyone fell silent as she stepped forward to speak. Hailstar dipped his head in consent as he backed away.

"Based on Sunstar's meeting with Firestar, Icestar, and Shadestar, we have interpreted their wills to the best of our ability. We believe that they want us to send a patrol of cats to find the rogues, and gain their trust so we can find out about their plans for us and the forest." the Iceclan leader's brittle mew shocked everyone.

"But we need warriors here!" a protest echoed through the crowd. Murmurs of agreement followed.

Velvetstar turned her ice-blue gaze on the area of where that yowl came from. They shrank away visibly, obviously intimidated.

"Well, as I said. I've received a vision. If we do not act now, we will be driven out of our territories. The clans must live, no matter what! I will gladly pay all of my lives for it, I believe your leaders will too." she glanced at Hailstar and Sunstar, neck fur bristling.

Birdpaw winced. That was a challenge to Shadeclan and Fireclan's honor. She hoped that Hailstar would announce for them to stay and fight.

It seemed that other cats thought the same, for there was a chant rumbling, "Stay and fight! We will fight!"

Sunstar growled deep in his throat. "Fireclan will fight to the death it means keeping our forest from those fox-hearted traitors!"

"Yes, Shadeclan will also stay and fight." was Hailstar's agreement.

"Good." Velvetstar's fur began to lie flat. Birdpaw wondered if she was afraid that the other clans would give up and leave Iceclan to defend itself alone. "We will meet here at half-moon, with the cats that we choose to uphold this quest. Each clan may take two to three cats, and the patrol will choose a leader, preferably a senior warrior, to guide them all and lead the way to the rogues' camp. This will be a perilous journey for us, so we must choose healthy, strong, brave cats who are willing to sacrifice their lives for our clans." 

Her words were met with voices of agreement, and challenge towards the rogues. Birdpaw cheered for Shadeclan, and Goldpaw rose to raise a yowl of approval. Hazelpaw followed her sister's lead, and stood on her hind legs.

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