Chapter 1

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Bethany's P.O.V.-

Mom:"Bethany! Breakfast is ready!" I grabbed a tye-dye bathing suit, and threw it on. I sat down at the kitchen table. My mom had made eggs and sausage. I was happy. My mom, dad, and I were going surfing today. I went surfing everyday, but my parents weren't always with me. Surfing was my pride, my passion. That was one thing I loved about Hawaii. I could surf wherever, whenever.

Dad:"You excited for today?"

Me:"Yeah! Oh and Mom, can I go night surfing with Joe and Tasia tonight?" My mom and dad looked at eachother.

Mom:"Yeah sweetie but be home by 9:30 ok? I don't want you out there too long."

Me:"Ok!" I finished eating and we left the house. Just because we lived in front of the ocean, that doesn't mean that was the only place we surfed. There were a lot of hidden spots. I didn't know them all though. When we pulled up, I hopped out of the truck, grabbed my surfboard out of the back, and ran to the water. I paddled far enough out and a few minutes later, my parents were right beside me. Then our signal, a wave was forming. We paddled forward. I got ready and went under. I came back above the water, and stood up. I was then in the tube. The feeling of being the tube is indescribable. You just let go. You feel free. The cool, blue water is just racing right over you. 


Dad:"Go Bethany!" Surfing gave me freedom. I let all of my emotions out through surfing. It was something that I had been doing since I was a kid. Now, when I was little, I obviously couldn't do what I do now. But I had been practicing and trying. It was rare that I gave up. I tried to never give up because you never know what you can accomplish if you just try.                                                          After hours of surfing, it was time for us to go home. Besides, Joe and Tasia were going to be picking me up soon. When we got home, all I did was dry off. I did get some loose clothes to throw over my bathing suit too. At about 7 o' clock, Joe and Tasia were at my door.

Me:"Hey! I gotta be back home at around nine thirty."

Joe:"Alright. Let's go!" And we left. We went to one of our favorite beaches. It was near Tasia's house. It was a really nice spot. The waves there never disappointed. At one point when Joe wiped out, he ended up flipping off of his board.

Joe:"That was awesome! I wanna do that again!" We laughed and continued catching the waves.

We surfed for about an hour until we went back to shore and built a fire. Joe had brought his ukulele. He got it out of his car and played it while we sat around the warmth of the fire. This is what he sang to the tune of his ukulele:

We're sittin around a fire. Just sittin around a fire. Tasia wiped out, a couple of times, all because the waves decided they didn't like her. We were laughing. And Bethanys gotta be home at like 9:30 tonight. And we're sittin around a fire. Just sittin around a fire. We clapped. 

Tasia:"Woohoo! Oh Joe, how you come up with your beautiful musical tunes we may never know! But we applaud your greatness! *laughs*" Joe took a lovely bow. I loved Joe and Tasia. They were like siblings. I had known them ever since I moved to Kauai. When they dropped me off back home, my parents asked me how it went.

Mom:"So sweetie how'd it go? Did ya have fun?"

Me:*laughs*"Of course! There isn't anywhere you can be in Hawaii without having fun!" I started walking to my room.

Dad:"Well I can definetely tell she had a great time. Oh Bethany! Come here I have a question for you." 

Me:"Yeah Dad?"

Dad:"So tomorrow morning, I'm going to see my friend Nathan. He's showing me how to use a professional camera so I can take pictures of you surfing. And of course your friends too. Nathan's got a son who also surfs. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me." I was always up for meeting new people. So I couldn't say no.

Me:"Yeah that'd be awesome." And I went to take a shower. After my warm shower, I went to say goodnight to my parents, and went to bed.

Daniel and BethanyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora