Chapter 8

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When day turned to night, it was time to leave the beach. Daniel and Bethany decided they would stay back. Daniel would text his dad to come and pick them up later. Bethany loved when she and Daniel were alone. She also loved how unpredictable he was. She never knew anything that he was going to do or say. 

Daniel:"About that paper, could you read that as if you were saying this stuff to me?" They laughed. Bethany wasn't nervous because Daniel had already read it. She was however a little embarrassed. In an calm,controlled voice, she told Daniel:

So today, I kissed you. I have come to realize that you are a very talented kisser. She was trying not to laugh. She was also trying not to blush as he looked into her eyes. I'm not really sure if this means we're together, or if it was just a kiss. I think that it was just a kiss, but I wish it did mean more. Maybe it did in your mind, I don't know. But I'm completely in love with you now. Daniel smiled. You're just so cute, and sweet, and ya know, extremely attractive. They both laughed. Even though we kissed, I don't think that you like me that way at all. But all I know is that, I love you. Daniel clapped. Bethany tucked her hair behind her ear as she giggled. 

Daniel:"I love you too." Bethany smiled. 

About a week later, Daniel planned on hanging out with Bethany at one of the docks that Saturday night. The dock could be seen outside the window of Kaholo's diner. He decided to call Bethany when he got there. Which he regreted because she said she was gonna sit home so she couldn't come. He then took advantage of the oppurtunity to finally break up with Joanie. He called her and put her on speaker instead of holding his phone up to his ear the whole time.


Daniel:"We need to talk. Like, now."

Joanie:"About what?"

Daniel:"It's really not working out. At all." Little did he know Bethany was behind him.

Joanie:"Are you kidding me? Daniel, I am your girlfriend and I have been for almost a year!" 

"Girlfriend?" Daniel's heart stopped. He knew that voice. It was Bethany. He turned around. Kaholo was watching through the window, he made sure that he wasn't noticed. He could hear everything.

Daniel:"Bethany. What are you doing here?" 

Bethany:"I changed my mind and I was coming to surprise you." 

Joanie:"Who's that? Daniel you bett-" He cut her off by hanging up. Daniel knew then and there that the night wasn't gonna end well. 

Bethany:"You've had a girlfriend this whole time? And you never said anything? Never told me. Never mentioned it........ Is this some sort of game to you?!" Daniel was speechless. 

Daniel:"No, no I just. I was planning on breaking up with her, I didn't think that it was going to take this long. I-I didn't say anything because I didn't want to hurt you." Bethany tried to hold back tears.

Bethany:"Hurt me?! If you were worried about hurting me you wouldn't have kissed me or said any of those things in the first place! You could have at least waited until you weren't already in a relationship!" She started storming back to her house. 

Daniel:"Bethany! Wait!" He followed her. He grabbed her as she turned. He kissed her. She was so upset. Tears rolled down her face. She pulled away and ran back towards her house. Kaholo watched everything through the window.

Kaholo:"Oh Daniel.....I knew this was going to happen...." Daniel watched as Bethany disappeared from his view.

Daniel:"I'm sorry......" 

He drove back to his house with an attitude. But he was mad at himself for letting all of it happen. He walked into his house and slammed the door. His father was confused but let Daniel be. Bethany did the same, except her parents needed to know what happened. Bethany cried into her pillow. She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. Nor did she want to see Daniel. Her mother and father rushed into her room.

Bethany'sMom:"Oh my god sweetie what's wrong?! What happened?!" Bethany could hardly speak.

Bethany:"Daniel! He's had a girlfriend this whole time!" 

Bethany'sMom:"Oh you like him? Aw Betha-"

Bethany:"It's not just that! He kissed me! He said that he loved me and he's had a girlfriend the whole time!" She was practically drowning in her tears. 

Bethany'sDad:"Daniel? You mean Nathan's son?" She said nothing.

Bethany'sMom:"C'mon honey let's leave her be she's had a long night." And they walked out. Bethany cried herself to sleep.

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