Chapter 9

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Daniel's P.O.V.-

Yeah, you saw it coming. I saw it coming. I wasn't slipping through this that easy. I couldn't believe I had ruined everything that had happened between me and Bethany. Even worse, I had no idea how to ger her back. I told Joe what happened and he said to meet him at his house the next day. We sat in his backyard. At first he was confused but he got it soon enough.

Joe:"So she's not talking to you?"

Me:"Not at all. She hasn't said anything to me at all." He thought for a moment.

Joe:"Hmm. Well you can try to get Tasia to talk to her about it. It's not that Tasia wouldn't, it's just that we don't know if Bethany would listen." 

Me:"It's worth a try." Tasia agreed to see if Bethany would listen to her. I didn't think it was gonna work because of how upset Bethany was last time I saw her. But Tasia was going to try.

(ending Daniel's point of view.)

As Tasia drove to Bethany's house, she was thinking of how Bethany would react. She walked into the house and saw Bethany's parents sitting on the couch. 

Tasia:"I'm here to talk to Bethany....Is she ok?" Bethany's mother looked over.

Bethany'sMom:"Oh hey sweetie. And she was so upset last night. But she didn't tell us that much. Do you think you can fill us in so we understand what happened?"

Tasia:"Yeah sure, Daniel told me and Joe everything. So Daniel was in the middle of breaking up with his obsessive girlfriend Joanie so he could be with Bethany without any problems. Well, Bethany didn't know that Daniel had a girlfriend. So when she showed up in the middle of Daniel's call with Joanie, she freaked out and ran home. So now Daniel wants me to talk to her because she's not speaking to him."

Bethany'sMom:"Ohhhhh I see." Tasia walked into the room to see Bethany just sitting on her bed. 

Tasia:"Uhh hey Beth. Are you......ok?" Tasia sat next to Bethany. "Look Daniel's is really sorry and he didn't want to hurt you at all. He loves you not Joanie. He said that everytime he was with you he completely forgot that he even had a girlfriend." 

Bethany:" I get it but.....I completely snapped on him and I wouldn't have been mad if he had just told me before any of that stuff happened. I guess I-"

Tasia:"Forgive him?" Bethany sighed.

Bethany:"Yeah....I guess. But tell him I want to talk to him on Wednesday night please."

Tasia:"Or you could text him."

Bethany:"Oh yeah I forgot." *laughs* Tasia decided to stay and hang out for a little bit. Like she usually did if she ever showed up at Bethany's house. 

Tasia:"Hmm. How about a little bit of surfing?! You haven't surfed in at least a week and that's a huge problem for me." Bethany agreed. The girls tried out a lot of new moves that they wanted to practice. When they took a break on shore, Bethany remembered her promise to Daniel. 

Bethany:"Uh Taisa. What do you think about me joining a competition?"

Tasia:"Oh my god really?! You're actually gonna participate at a contest?!"

Bethany:"Well I told Daniel I'd think about it and I think it'd be fun."

Tasia:"Okay so you're doing it! Let's practice c'mon you don't have a lot of time to get all your moves down!" She pulled Bethany into the water and practically made her do the surfer's version of p90x. Bethany was completely out of breath by the time they were finished. At around 4:00 p.m. Tasia left and told the boys what Bethany had said and that she was doing the competition. Daniel was relieved. He was also glad that Bethany chose to do the competition. 

 When Wednesday finally came, Bethany was slightly nervous about talking to Daniel again only because she didn't know what to say. But come 6.00 p.m., he was there to pick her up.

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