Chapter 5

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Kaholo's P.O.V.-

As I was finishing up my work at the diner, I heard the bell that was attached to the doorway. It was Daniel. He was alone. I would've thought that he would have come with the girls. 

Me:"Aloha Daniel. Are Bethany and Tasia with you?"

Daniel:"Not this time." I wasn't sure if something was wrong or not. He didn't sound very happy. 

Me:"Sit down." I walked and sat down across from him."What's wrong? Everything alright?" He sighed. 

Daniel:"Not really. I mean it's something normal but I asked my dad last night and he said come talk to you." My wife, Lea then walked in, without disturbing the peace. She just started cleaning things that I had not yet gotten to. 

Me:"Hmm, is this about a girl?" 

Daniel:"Yeah........but a certain girl. One that you know." It became clear to me. 

Me:"Ahhhh....I see...Bethany? Well Daniel,  have you told her anything?" He looked down.

Daniel:"Nothing at all. But that's the problem, I really like her. She's just so beautiful and talented and sweet. And I wanna tell her, but I feel like it's too early and I just don't know how. And, I already have a girlfriend." 

Me:"Well it sounds more to me like you love Bethany. Daniel, you must understand, all girls differentiate from one another. Which means you must know who Bethany is in order to find the proper way to tell her your feelings. Not all girls can be told the same way. And be careful because if you do or say something, and it gets around to your girlfriend, then it could be a problem. It could also ruin anything between you and Bethany." My wife then came over and sat down. 

MyWife:"Having girl trouble I see?" She said in a soft voice. He nodded."Believe it or not, I myself have known Bethany for a long time. And you are correct, she is a very very sweet girl.  Now, Bethany has always been very isolated from people her age. Yes she has you, Tasia, and Joe, but that's it. She has never been in a relationship which means she hasn't had any experience with these type of things. She may be very shy and embarrassed. So, my suggestion is to give her clues. Let her know how you feel without just straight up telling her. If she doesn't notice for a while, then pull her aside one day, and tell her calmly." My wife knew everything. She loved kids and always knew what to do and say. "Now about your girlfriend, it's simple. If you have lost interest in her and you have more feelings for Bethany, then just tell your girlfriend that it isn't working out."

Daniel:"Thanks. I feel a little bit better." My wife smiled and nodded. And he left.

Daniel's P.O.V.-

I did feel slightly better about the whole crush situation. But I was definitely still nervous. What if she freaked out? What if she got mad? What if she didn't feel the same way at all? Even if that was the case, I was still taking the advice of Kaholo's wife. I was going to give her clues. We hung out and I gave as many hints as I could. Even though most of the time I would just start a random conversation. Bethany didn't like to be so public with her surfing. She never said anything about attending a contest at all. After a few months I asked her about it when I was driving her home one night. 

Me:"So why don't you do any competitions?" She shrugged her shoulders.

Bethany:" I don't know. I just like to free surf. I've never been big on competitions and trophies." I didn't participate in many myself, but I had at least been in a few. I thought Bethany was good enough to be in a contest. There was actually one coming up in two months.

Me:"Well, I really think you should try one. There's one in about one or two months and I really think you should try it. You're definitely good enough and I'd think you'd be ranked pretty well." She looked doubtful. 

Bethany:"Oh Daniel I don't know....."

Me:"Can you think about it? For me?" She giggled.

Bethany:"Okay, fine." At least she was considering it. It was quiet until out of nowhere she said:"Wait! Turn here!" I wasn't sure where we were going, but I did as told. We were coming up towards a jungle. I stopped the truck.

Bethany:"Okay, go down this dirt path." She pointed to a narrow path that led through the jungle. I had my doubts but agreed to drive down the path. It wasn't too bumpy, but it wasn't that smooth either. At one point, she told me to stop and get out of the truck. She walked me through the rainforest, and to a huge waterfall. She walked into it. She splashed around in the water. Behind the water, was a cave. Surprisingly, there were torches in the cave which lit it up. The cave didn't go far back at all. 

Bethany:*laughs*"Daniel come in!" She sat in the cave. I walked through the fall, and into the cave. I sat down next to her. It was silent, except for the waterfall. All of a sudden, she layed her head on my shoulder. After months of giving hints, I was ready to tell her face to face. Little did I know, she wanted to tell me the same thing.

Bethany:"Daniel, I really need to tell you something. I-" I couldn't wait any longer. I kissed her before she could finish. We said it at the same time:I love you. I know what your thinking: Oh my god! He has a girlfriend but he kissed another girl! And he told her that he loved her! Shame on him! Look, I couldn't help it. I was planning on breaking up with Joanie anyway. Soon enough.....

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